Chapter 60

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"Fran, Fran wake up

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"Fran, Fran wake up."

I open my eyes to Luna poking my cheek. I peek at the clock on our shared bookshelf and groan. "I can't believe you're sacrificing your sleep for this Lu."

"Getting up at 3:30am doesn't seem so bad for something like this. Revenge is a dish best served cold my sweet, naive bestie."

"Sicko," I mumble while flinging myself out of bed and blindly finding my way to my dresser to get dressed in the dark. Luna slips out of our room as I finish getting ready and I hear Maya cursing at her in the bathroom.

"Sh," I hiss as I walk into the bathroom too. Luna is hopping around in excitement while Maya is slumped against the wall brushing her teeth with her eyes closed.

Parker comes in and pushes Luna out of the way so he can also get ready. Luna is the only one semi human right now as the rest of us go through the motions. Luna, in her excitement, packs us all little to-go breakfasts before basically dragging us to Tristian's car.

"Morning team," he yawns. The clock on his car reads 3:45 as we pile in. After three years of morning practices I would say I am decent with mornings but this is just ungodly. If it wasn't for the aforementioned revenge that we've all desperately wanted for months I would still be tucked away in my warm bed or even better in my boyfriend's bed.

The drive isn't long, only about 30 minutes since not a single other car is on the road except our convoy of cars. We are working on a strict time schedule so as soon as we arrive at the farm Lena runs to the chicken coop and starts boxing up chickens. Literally boxing them up like in those boxes you get build-a-bears in.

"Where is the rooster?" Luna asks with an evil glint in her eye.

Lena's dad hands her a box carefully. When we called him the other night and told him our plan he was more than happy to loan us some of their farms chickens to finally get revenge. So now here we are at 4:20 in the morning loading up our 5 cars with 15 chickens and a big nasty rooster.

The ride back to school is much more animated than the one to Lena's family farm. We do our normal group call and everyone is yelling over each other and laughing like it isn't still hellishly early. "Everyone knows the plan," Luna asks when we are within blocks of hockey house.

Everyone replies yes and the lines cut off as if us all being on the phone will wake the boys inside the house. Only 14 of the guys on the team actually live in the house but on any given night a handful more can be found sleeping over, even more so after last night's thirsty Thursday party. We will likely not get all of them but probably around 25 of them which is perfectly fine with all of us.

Sneaking into the house is easy since the brilliant brain trust that makes up Umichigan hockey never locks the doors. We all scatter between the three floors and release the chickens who are now extremely worked up from being confined in the box. Once the chickens are free and we've all made it back to the kitchen Luna opens the box for the rooster, who looks very angry. He flies out of the box making triple the noise of the other chickens and almost instantly the entire house comes alive.

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