Chapter 26

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"Maya, are you sure you want to go home for spring break, we can stay here with you if you want?" I hug Maya tightly after she sets her bags down, already packed up and ready to leave

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"Maya, are you sure you want to go home for spring break, we can stay here with you if you want?" I hug Maya tightly after she sets her bags down, already packed up and ready to leave.

"My dad is already downstairs waiting for me, besides you have to go to the game you literally made Ryder that sign last night. And Luna don't even suggest you skip because you're Francesca's ride. And Parker you have to go too now that you and Bray are finally on good terms."

"Fine," Luna pouts, joining our group hug. "But I am breaking that twat faces dick off."

We all hug her for another minute and I wipe a sad tear from her face before she grabs her bags. This is the first spring break that the four of us aren't spending together and it is all Pman's fault. Thursday before the team left they went out to lunch and we all thought he was finally going to make things official. Instead he told her she was too clingy at games and then dropped the bomb that they were never exclusive, meaning he had been hooking up with other girls the entire time. Maya was rightfully heart broken and came home hysterical. Since then our entire apartment has been the Pman hate house and thanks to Ryder we had a house key and full access to his bedroom. That was last night's project while I cared for the ladies. Thankfully by yesterday morning I was over whatever stomach bug I had so I could partake.

"I love you guys. Have a safe drive to Notre Dame and tell the team I said have a great final game." Maya leaves and the rest of us return to our rooms to finish getting ready. The game isn't until 6 and it is only a 3 hour drive so we aren't leaving until 2pm.

A little before 2 I head to hockey house to check on the ladies before we leave. Maya in her heartbroken state the last two days has been making them small Michigan jerseys with Ryder's number on them so I put them on and snap a bunch of cute pictures. They look so freaking cute and I know Ryder is going to freak out when he sees the pictures.

My phone vibrates as I take the small outfits off the rats and put them away.

Luna: Here.

I grab my stuff from Ryder's dresser and lock up the house before jumping into Tristian's car. The ride to Notre Dame is chaotic as most things we do as a team are. We took two cars and stayed on the phone with each other the entire time so all 14 of us could talk. The big topic of conversation of course Parker wearing a Michigan Hockey sweater and beanie. Today is the first time he didn't show up to a game dressed like it was a funeral. This is his olive branch to Bray after Bray stuck up for him at the bar after some guys made homophobic comments to Parker.

"Listen, Bray is still an ass but I am trying to be nice for the sake of both teams."

"And because he is hot," Heather who is in the other car yells.

"That entire team is hot especially their captain," someone else also in the other car says.

"Hey, that is Frans man," Tristian jokes. My entire team thanks to Luna knows that Ryder took care of me Wednesday night and also stopped by Thursday to check on me and bring me new soup. They think this is the perfect start of some hallmark rom com, but my team is also full of hopeless romantics who live with their heads in the clouds listening to too much Taylor Swift.

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