Chapter 51

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"What are you laughing at?" I ask Bray from the backseat of my own car

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"What are you laughing at?" I ask Bray from the backseat of my own car. I am laid out across the seat surrounded by a fuck ton of blankets to try to lessen the pain every time we hit a bump or Bray, with his shitty driving, stops short.

"You," he laughs even harder swerving recklessly around a slow moving car.

"Bray," Stan yells grabbing onto anything he can reach as I am sent flying around in the back seat.

"Ow," I groan, trying to readjust myself comfortably.

"Op, sorry," he laughs apologetically, slowing down just a little. Parker left yesterday morning but Bray is already anxious to see him and it shows in his erratic driving. Not that his normal driving is any better honestly.

"My life is finally good and now I am going to die, wonderful," I commiserate as Stan begins literally praying. "Now are you going to explain why you're laughing for fucks sake."

"Oh because you think you're being cute and romantic and she is going to be so mad at you," he snorts.

I flip him off but don't argue because there is lots of truth to what he just said. I know Francesca will be excited to see me at her competition but I will also be lectured about how I should be in bed and how I am going to prolong the injury and how I need to take better care of myself. All of that is true but it is worth it to see her compete.

The only saving grace today is that only the mens and women's singles compete today, women in the morning and then men in the evening session. Tomorrow all the pairs go and though I would love to support my bestie Lulu, I will have to see how I feel before making that decision. This is as long as Bray doesn't kill me beforehand with his crappy driving.

"I am too young to die!" Stan shouts as Bray blares the horn at a squirrel crossing the road.

The competition is only an hour away so we are mostly on backroads. Bray grew up in a small town and was taught how to drive in that same small town. Small town Michigan drivers are a different breed and don't follow any traffic laws. Sometimes I wonder if Bray even knows what a speed limit is because he sure as shit never follows it.

"How is your license not suspended?" I ask as he nearly blows a red light.

"Uncle is a state trooper so I flash his card and it gets me out of most things," he says nonchalantly. Both me and Stan rub our temples as he continues driving like he is the only person on the road.

To literally no one's surprise, we arrive 20 minutes earlier than expected. Maya is supposed to come out and meet us but she is still running around helping make final costume adjustments. Instead Parker comes bounding out of the arena right into Bray's arms.

"Hi you made it, how was the drive, did you eat breakfast?" Parker questions as Bray feathers soft kisses all over his face. I wonder how anyone has the ability to think in their apartment with Francesca, Parker, and Maya always talking a mile a minute.

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