I-I Can't Take An-Anymore Of Th-This...

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**Ashley P.O.V**

        I woke-up strapped to a steel chair. My arms were pulled out in front of me, bound tightly by large leather straps. My legs were in the same way as my arms.
        The room I was in would have fit perfectly in a horror movie. It  was pitch black, all except for a few very faint lights. The floors and the walls seemed to be completely made out of steel sheets and concrete, it was also freezing cold. My body was shaking and my teeth were chattering like crazy. Being strapped to a chair made entirely from steel, with only a T-shirt that had been rolled up to reveal my back and stomach, a pair of long shorts, and no shoes made it a whole lot more agonizing...
        I can't forget about how quiet it was either, there was absolutely no sound, whatsoever. The only thing I could hear was the blood pulsing though my ears and my own heart-beat. My heart was racing, somehow, sweat started to bead across my forehead...
        I was honestly terrified.
        "H-Hello..?" I nervously called out, my teeth chattering, "Hello, Hello, Hello.", my voice echoed out through the darkness.
        "It's so good to see that you're finally awake, Ashley." A deep, distorted voice called out from behind me.
        The sudden voice startled me and caused me to jump out of my skin. I quickly turned my head and looked back, only to have a sharp pain cut across my cheek and down to my lip. I winced and instantly pulled away as tears welled up in my eyes.
        "Did I say you could talk? Or even look at me?!"  The male exclaimed in my ear.
        I shuttered and backed away as my tears mixed with the blood from my cheek.
        The man laughed evilly as he his large hand on my unharmed cheek. I looked up and my eye could faintly make out the silhouette of the man. As I continued looking upward, the man's hand slowly moved from my cheek, down my neck, and made his way to my fingertips. I bit my lip as he gently stroked my hands.
        "Such soft and delicate hands..," The man chuckled darkly, "Like those of a young mother." 
        I jumped a little and quickly looked up at him. "Where's my baby!? Where's Camden!!" I exclaimed as I tried to pull free from my restraints. 
        The man laughed as he reached up and pulled on, what sounded like a metal chain. A small light flickered and came to life just above my head. I blinked and looked up, hoping to catch a glimpse of my capture, but everything, except his eyes and mouth, were covered.
        "What did I say about you looking at me! You also spoke out of turn!" He smirked and pulled a metal cart from the darkness and into my line of view. 
        I bit my tongue and glanced towards the tray... Pliers, scalpels, rubbing alcohol, salt, and there was also a large box placed the on the bottom of the cart.
        "You don't scare me..." I growled.
        He smirked again as he grabbed the pliers and scalpel from the tray then he turned back towards me.
        "You say that now," He licked his lips as he grabbed a hold of my hand and attached the pliers to one of my finger-nail, "But this'll surely make you change your mind~"
        He tightened his grip on the handles and pulled back with all his might. The expression in his cold eyes didn't change as he pulled my nail away from it's cuticle. A burning sensation shot though my finger and slowly spread through my hand. I teared up as the pain became unbearable. I screamed as the nail was ripped from my flesh and bright crimson blood gushed from my wound, I cried as the pain started to spread from my hand all the way though my body.
        The man laughed and placed my nail on a cloth that was spread out on the metal tray. I struggled to get free again, desperately trying to get free, but had no success. The man glanced back at me and proceeded to rip off the other nine fingernails, along with my toenails.
        My screams of agony echoed through the empty room, bounced off the walls, and came back to me. No one could hear me, no one even knows that there's a woman and her three-year-old son being tortured by their kidnappers... The only person who could hear me though was the person who was ripping my toenails and fingernails off, and he would laugh every time he pulled the nail away from my flesh...
        I was slipping in and out of consciousness as he removed my last toenail... Pain was slowly pulsing through my body, my voice was hoarse from all of my useless screams. I felt weak and nauseous, and I know that my capture could easily see that I was about to give-out at any moment... I looked up and saw his sly smile widen as he opened up the box. He had retrieved a large tin-can and four plastic baggies.
        I watched as he opened up each baggie and filled them with a white-ish powder. Once he was done with all four, he returned to my side.
        Before I could even react, he had already placed the bags over my bloodied finger-tips and toes. I screamed as the salt was pressed into my wounds and caused the burning sensation to increase. I cried as he added more pressure to the bags, forcing more salt into my wounds.
        "You know, every time you scream or cry in pain, something bad happens to Cam," He smirked as he reached for the large bottle of rubbing alcohol.
        I bit down hard on my tongue as I tried to ignore the agonizing pain that I was feeling. I glared at the man and took in a deep breath.
        "What are you doing to him!? Where is he!?" I exclaimed and tried escaping from my chair again.
        He laughed as he unscrewed the lid of the bottle.
        "We're doing what any sane person would do to a three-year-old boy. Every time you scream in pain, my friend will shove a tooth-pick through the poor boys gums." He laughed.
        My eyes widened. "You bastard!! How could you do such a thing to an innocent child!!" I exclaimed as I felt tears begin to rim my eyes.
        "Aww, is mommy gonna cry?" He growled as he gripped my face and forced my eye-lids open. "I can help with that."
        He taped them open then slowly, ever so slowly, poured the rubbing alcohol into each of my eyes.
        I started to scream, but quickly shut myself up... If I scream then my son will be hurt. He doesn't deserve to be treated this. All of this should just be happening to me, not my baby...
        I tried to shut my eyes, but couldn't. The pain in my eyes almost made me forget about the pain in my hands and feet, it was that bad. It felt like my eyes were slowly melting away. Tears poured from my eyes and down my cheeks... The hot, salty tears mixing with the burning alcohol didn't help with the pain. In fact, it made it a whole lot worse.
        Finally, the last few drops were poured into my eyes. My body twisted and turned as much as my restraints allowed, it was the only way I could cope with the pain. The man looked down at me and frowned.
        "So, you decided to toughen up, huh? Just to keep the kid that you and Cody NEVER wanted??"He growled then quickly covered his mouth.
        I felt my heart drop and whatever body heat I had left, vanished as soon as he said Cody's name... He's the one who's behind this, he's going to kill both Camden and I.... Knowing Cody, he has us hidden far away from society and i'm sure that he's done his best to keep people from finding Cam an I.... I never thought that we'd go out like this... This is the end of the line...

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