Chapter 19

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Hailee's POV
I was about to seat between Asa and Douglas when this girl named Chloë sat next to them. Ugh thanks for doing that, well I still have a lot of time to talk to him. I take a seat next to Douglas because there's no other place where I can seat.
"How are you feeling?" Douglas asks
"A lot better" I say not looking at him
"Glad to hear, I'm so excited to start practicing for the Romeo and Juliet play"
Oh. I totally forgot about that "yeah me too." I lied, and then the class started
The class just finished, it's acting class time. I've got some time before getting there and start acting like Juliet, in love of Douglas character. Ugh just thinking in that makes me sick. I stand up and think about going to talk to Asa, when Douglas of course stands in front of me.
"Hey ready?" He smiled
Before replying him I see Asa walking next to us, I catch him looking at me, so I do. As always I get lost in his blue eyes...
"Hey?" Douglas snaps at me
"Yeah?" I smile, still thinking in the seconds I saw Asa staring at me.
"Nevermind ready to go?"
"Uhm yeah..." I whisper and I follow Douglas until we get to the acting class. We get ready for the first act, we just have two weeks to get the play ready and we have 2 weeks to go too until prom, I still don't have a date. I don't want anyone as a date but I would like Asa asking me to go with him.
We'd been practicing a lot, our teacher really wants this to be perfect. Thanks God there's no kissing on the script, I wouldn't like to be kissing Douglas at each moment.
We just hug each other give kisses on the cheeks, nothing more. No kisses on the lips, no make out. Everything is fine just like that.
We'd finished for the day, time to go home but I still have something to do. Talk to Asa. I'm not going anywhere until I talk to him.
"Hey!" Douglas says coming to my way
"What are you doing today?" He asked, I don't have any plans for today but I really need to talk to Asa, still I don't want him to know about that.
"Nothing, but I guess something will come to my mind" I say walking away, with him following
"I was wondering if..." I didn't let him finish the sentence when I started running, I don't know what excuse would I give him. I don't want to pass time with him, I want to talk with Asa. I've got my mission.

Asa's POV
I'm still thinking what's going on Hailee's mind, I mean today she looked at me. But I don't know in how to feel, all this makes me go crazy. She makes me go crazy.
"Ace!" Chloë says behind me
"Hey" I say with a smile, hugging her
"Are you feeling better?" She smiles. Yes. She know about Hailee and me, Chloë is like my best friend even though we don't show it. I really do trust her.
"I'm still confused"
"I get it, don't worry it will get better" she winks at me
"Yeah... I hope so" I say walking with her, until I see someone who was smiling, Hailee she was staring at me and Chloe. She smiled but her smile faded. I saw the jealousy in her eyes. She walked away. I felt in talking to her. I turn to face Chloë
"Chloe excuse me, I've got something to do."
"Hailee right?" She gave me a smile
"Yes, her.." I sigh
"Don't worry, go for her. You love her. Don't let her go away."
I smiled "thanks" I whispered and hugged her.
I started running following Hailee by the streets, she got tired and stopped I don't know if she knew I was following her.
"Hailee?" I say walking up to her, she freezed at the moment when I faced her, she was crying.
"Asa?" She smiles weakly
"Why are you crying? Please don't cry. Princesses don't cry" I smile and clean up her tears with my hand. I pass my hand through her cheek, she seems to like it.
"I'm sorry." She said
"For everything I've done, I've been so stupid and so blind."
I smile "oh Hailee, don't you say that. You're more intelligent than anyone else. And you're beautiful eyes aren't blind" I say wrapping her in a hug
"Asa you're wrong" she whispered
"No I'm not, want to go home?" I offered
"Yeah.." She says smiling at me, still crying.
We get to my house and we go to our room. I closed the door and sat next to her.
"Asa..." She whispers and looks at me
"Yeah?" I say grabbing her hand
"I'm really sorry if I hurted you."
I nod, not knowing what to say. She did hurt me but what can I do? That's how love works.
"It's fine" I say, she looks at me and hugs me
"I'm sorry for telling you to go away, I was so blind"
"No, no it's fine." I say passing my hand through her hair
"I was so blind I didn't knew, what I felt for you" she looked at my eyes
"What do you felt for... me?" I say confused
She chuckles a bit "yes for you"
I smile "what do you felt for me?"
"I'm sorry I can't tell" she smiled, oh... I do really want to know
"Tell me" I start tickling her, she's laughing. I missed this so bad.
She lays in bed still laughing, and I'm in front of her looking at her beautiful face.
"What's up with you and Chloë?" Her smile vanished
"She's just my friend" I say running my hand through her cheek
She smiles "anyways, what do you feel for me?"
What do I feel for you? I think in my head... What can I tell her. Can I lie to her? No I can't...


{ A/N yay!! Spring break! This means I have more free time, hope you guys like this chapter. And don't get excited things might get more complicated... Or maybe not... Well you'll see in the next chapter ;) don't forget to vote and to comment! I love you all }

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