Episode 3

443 11 0

1942 Solomon Islands

We could see Hornet and Colorado carrying boxes to the Current Base in the Solomon Islands and as they Walked pass the Docks they saw An Injured Lexington, Saratoga, Pennsylvania and Arizona 

As They Saw them They immediately treated there injuries while Lexington was Immediately treated by Vestal

And then They asked what happened and then Arizona spoke

"The Eagle Union Has Fallen every shipgirl from our faction must hide and not get caught"

Many Stayed to Make The Shipgirls escape the invasion

-West Virginia


-The North Carolina Class


-The South Dakota Class

-Enterprise and Yorktown


-and 6 Destroyers

As Hornet Heard this she rushed out of the building but As Colorado is about to follow her Pennsylvania told her to let her be for a while and Colorado agreed she also lost her sisters but Hornet must faced this situation by herself for a while

Now We Could see Hornet sitting in a tree crying as she heard her sisters being captured. It wasn't fair they only met a year ago and now there captured by the Crimson Axis what they had done to them did they killed them?, Experiments Them for future purposes?, Or Worse sell them to the sirens for more Siren Tech?

Many Negative thoughts came at Hornet's Mind but then She Holds the Medallion that her sisters gave her and looked at the Stars and Wished

"I wish that someone will guide me... I want to save my nation from being controlled by the Axis... Even It will kills me I'll serve the Eagle Union until the End... I ask someone Help me"

And then Hornet's Medallion glowed and then an Woman Appeared infront of her wearing an Black Coat and Hat and has White Hair

And then Hornet's Medallion glowed and then an Woman Appeared infront of her wearing an Black Coat and Hat and has White Hair

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(Imagine She has white hair and covering her eyes by using her hat)

Hornet: W-Who are you?!

Omega: Howdy The name's Omega what's Yours?!?

Hornet: U-Umm Hornet The Name's Hornet youngest of the Yorktown Class

Omega: I see... your sister Enterprise Gave the Medallion that I created while I'm Working for the Watcher Force

Hornet: Watcher Force?

Omega: The Watcher Force created by The Watcher is an force that was tasked to help and change peoples fate and surprisingly your sister discovered us and asked for us to help you guys

Hornet: Really?

Omega: Yep and by the something's happening to the Medallion

As Hornet Holds the Medallion it shined and turned into 2 beautiful blades

As Hornet Holds the Medallion it shined and turned into 2 beautiful blades

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Omega: Beautiful isn't I made that 

Hornet: Yeah it's very Beautiful

Omega: Since I know the situation of this world I'll help you

Hornet: But How?

Omega: By training you of course silly your good at using your planes and making formations and strategy's but you don't know how to fight in close combat since Sakura Empire shipgirls wield swords so Incase they'll fight you in that way I'll Train you What do you think?

Hornet: I Accept

Omega: Alrighty will train tomorrow

And from there on Hornet begins her training to save her nation

To Be Continued

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