Episode 14

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After They defeated the Crimson Axis They started on attacking siren bases around the world which they succeeded forcing the sirens to fall back to there main base: Antarctica

As this happen Azur Lane made preparations to combat the cold which they succeeded and after 2 weeks they are finally prepared to end the sirens once and for all

The Shipgirls decided not to involve humans to reduce casualties and besides it's there time to fulfill the duty once and for all

At Antarctica 500 miles away from the Main Siren Base

As every shipgirl is prepared we could see Hornet looking at Essex who was nervous at the fight and then Hornet decided to go and talk to her

Hornet: Hey Essex

Essex: Senpai?!?!

Hornet: Are you okay?

Essex: I-I'm just nervous because it will be my first time fighting the siren and I might get

Hornet: Killed nonono that won't happen so listen to me

Hornet: If you know what you came though, when people are counting on you, you'll be able to face anything got it

Essex: I- Thank Senpai

Hornet: You're welcome now get ready because today we will end the sirens once and for all

and then we could see 20 Aircraft carriers, 30 Battleships, 10 Battlecruisers, 40 Heavy Cruisers, 50 Light Cruisers, 100 Destroyers and 40 Submarines heading to the siren base and then they sent there payload

Within a hour The Main Base of the Sirens are in Chaos, Siren planes were destroyed within seconds, AA guns were nonoperational or destroyed and sirens are getting killed by shells and bullets from the Shipgirls

As this is happening we could see Hornet heading inside the Siren Base since she suspected the Arbiters might escape and insisted to finish them of 

After minutes of searching Hornet found them and immediately dodged there attacks and then starts to engage them with her bow


We could see Omega at an Iceberg observing the assault and then The Watcher appears behind her 

Omega: Mr. Watcher

The Watcher: Her journey is almost at it's end and the conclusion is near, Will her actions end this war and peace will be restored or will bring a new one?

Omega: I'm certain she'll end this war because she's brave and strong and everyone's trust is on her

The Watcher: I see you may continue to observe this world until you fulfill your wish for Nevada

Omega: Thank you Mr. Watcher

and then The Watcher disappeared and Omega watches the battle once again and then Omega spoke

Omega: You'll have your sister again Nevada

At Hornet's situation

We could See Hornet and Arbiters fighting and Exhausted

Arbiter III: Surrender Shipgirl we have shields to defend ourselves while you only had 2 revolver that could transform into a Bow What Could you do?

Hornet: Even though I can't defeat  all of you because of your cheats, I'll Always find a to defeat you even it means that I'll die At least I Served the Eagle Union with all my strength!!!

and then she fired an Barrage of Arrow at the Arbiters and then Hornet transforms her bow into 2 revolvers and fired at the High ranking sirens

as the arrows made contact with the High ranking sirens shields they broke and the bullets Hornet shot successfully hits there heads killing them leaving Hornet and Empress III

Empress III: HOW- You!!!

and then Then Empress III's cannons aimed at Hornet's position and fired which Hornet dodges and then they exchanged fire

as this is happening we could see Essex looking for Hornet and Shoukaku following her while they are killing sirens in the way

as they head to the room where Hornet and Empress III is they saw Hornet and Empress III, exhausted and the last one's standing

and then Hornet looks at them one last time as she transforms her revolvers into an bow and then looks at Empress III as she fully charged all of her cannons and then spoke

Empress III: Here Is my Strongest Attack Disappear without a trace!!!

and Then Hornet Created an Glowing White and Blue Arrow and Puts it on the Bow Aiming it At Empress III

Hornet: No Matter What Happens I'll Always Move Forward to make an Brighter Future... So Make an Path for me to reach my goal and destiny... NORTHERN STAR!!!

and then both of them fired with Hornet kneeling on the ground due to the amount of energy she lost and Essex trying to save her while crying only for Shoukaku to hold her back and then Hornet spoke her last words

Hornet: This Journey was truly fun, tell everyone goodbye for me will you Essex

Essex: NOOOO

and then Everything went white and with that The Human-Siren War ended

To be continued

Next chapter: Final Episode(and Epilogue)

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