Episode 9

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In this chapter you'll see how The War is still going on until the year 1950 so a lot of timeskips


The Remnants of Azur lane manage to make military bases in the islands they saved from the Crimson Axis and when the other nations that were occupied by the Crimson Axis heard the rebellion, Rebel groups are formed to reclaim the nations freedom causing an little problem to the Crimson Axis


Hornet Managed to find the 2nd Shadow Shipgirl(CV-14) and tracked her down in Spain which caused The Battle of Spain which Hornet's side has 5 Battleships, 3 Aircraft Carriers, 7 Heavy Cruisers, 14 Light Cruisers, 10 Destroyers, and 9 submarines 

While Crimson Axis sent 6 Battleships, 4 Aircraft carriers, 5 Heavy Cruisers, 11 Light Cruisers, 12 Destroyers, and 8 Submarines

 The Battle ended with Hornet defeating the Shadow Shipgirl with the Help of Essex and damaging half of the Crimson Axis fleet and then retreated confusing the Crimson Axis shipgirl to why they left


The Crimson Axis failed on preventing rebelled groups to spread across there controlled lands causing many rebel wars with some rebels escorting some people and sailing to the Azur lane Controlled Islands to live an new life until the Crimson Axis is defeated

When The Crimson Axis saw there plan they sent some shipgirl to patrol the borders of the Azur lane Islands to sink and Capture rebels and people but the Rebels managed to get pass them with the help of Omega and the high ranking officers of Azur lane so they could pass them

As the Crimson Axis saw there plan isn't working expeditions are made so they could somehow manage to invade the Azur lane controlled territory but many failed and so the make new tech like jets to get passed the storm with little success because if these jets managed to get passed the storm they will destroyed by Aircraft patrolling the area

While The Azur Lane managed to recruit soldier and create new aircraft to increase there defenses and made new guns that upgrade some of the AA's of the shipgirls and for the Soldiers, and Giving Lexington, Saratoga, and Yorktown an Major retrofit at there Flight deck with help of the 2 Essex class and Omega's help


Hornet with 6 Battleships, 5 Aircraft Carriers, 8 Heavy Cruisers, 13 Light Cruisers, 11 Destroyers, and 9 submarines head to Sydney to find the 3rd Shadow Shipgirl(CV-38) 

As the Crimson founds out where there going they sent  7 Battleships, 6 Aircraft Carriers, 9 Heavy Cruisers, 12 Light Cruisers, 14 Destroyers, and 13 submarines to attack Hornet's fleet

But since there are Rebels in Australia they helped Hornets fleet making them one the battle, getting the 3rd blueprint and Australia being free from Crimson Axis control making it the first nation out of the Azur lane Islands to break free from Axis control and created new weapons to defend themselves from incoming Axis Attacks


The Battle of Midway(My Version) begun when Azur lane sent 4 Aircraft carriers, 6 Battleships, 17 Light Cruisers, 25 Destroyers , and 12 Submarines with 5,000 soldiers invading 

While The Crimson Axis sent the 5 Original Aircraft Carriers Except for Shoukaku since her ship is being repaired after being attacked Mysteriously by and Aircraft Carrier(Hornet) 4 days ago before the Battle begun

8 Battleships, 20 Light Cruisers,  and 30 Destroyers with 400 aircraft in the island and 3,000 soldiers defending the Island

The Battle ended with Azur lane winning capturing 1 Aircraft carrier(Zuikaku I have my reasons), and 1,000 soldiers captured  while the rest of the Axis shipgirls are Moderately to Heavily damaged(The 4 Aircraft Carriers(Akagi, Kaga, Souryuu, Hiryuu) received many hard hits making them out of commission for 2 years(1948-1950) ) and all of aircraft Destroyed and 2,00 soldiers killed 

While Azur lane shipgirls received Light to moderate damage and 1,500 wounded and 500 dead 


Hornet goes to an suicide mission to find the 4th Shadow Shipgirl in New York City waters which she succeeded on getting it's blueprint but almost got caught by Shoukaku


Shoukaku's Pov

To be continued

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