Episode 8

330 11 4

After The remains of Azur Lane won and saved Philippines from Crimson Axis hands they managed to get some space and then started attacking small islands that were controlled by the Crimson Axis, Like the Marcus Island, Guadalcanal Island, and until the borders of Midway island and from there we saw Hornet, Omega, Colorado, and Vestal spying at Midway Island until

Hornet saw Enterprise and a lot of officers standing in the Crimson Axis shipgirls ships and was drawing her bow's string creating an arrow preparing to execute the person

But when Hornet looked closely to who is her sister executing her eyes widened and so Omega

Hornet: No it couldn't be 

It was Yorktown and she's badly injured with her rigging in bad condition and Enterprise is about to kill her

Omega: Go I'll catch up 

and then Hornet puts her hood so no one could know who she is 

As she push Yorktown out of the firing range of Enterprise she used her blades to deflect Enterprise arrows and the Hornet summoned her Bow and spoke

Hornet: It's not nice to kill someone who is already beaten up 

and then they exchange at firing arrows while Hornet launched her planes and managed to injured and kill some Crimson Axis officers and damaging Enterprise and then Omega escorted Yorktown to safety and when there both out of harms way she spoke

Hornet: We'll meet again Enterprise 

and then she escaped to the storm with Yorktown

At the Solomon Islands

We could see Vestal Healing Yorktown's wounds while her ship is being repaired by the Manjuu's while Hornet was in the cliff looking at the Base and sea

Hornet: Why Enterprise *sheds an tear* sister

She wanted to know why she done this why off all people will be her sister Enterprise will kill Big Sister Yorktown why?

and then Vestal came and told her that Yorktown is alright and awake and then Hornet followed Vestal at the Infirmary

As they entered the Infirmary Hornet Saw Yorktown looking at the starry night outside the window and then she looked at me 

Yorktown: Hornet

and then Hornet ran and hugged Yorktown

Hornet: I miss you

Yorktown: I miss you to Hornet

Hornet: Why Enterprise tried to kill you?

Yorktown: The Crimson Axis tells her that she is only an tool and even I tried to tell her she is not is useless and so she begin to follow every command she was given whether she kills her comrade or torture them

And then Hornet stands up and then begins to change the topic to prevent her Big sis being sad 

And then after 2 hours Hornet left since visiting hours in the infirmary are over and then Omega walked with her

Omega: So what are going to do to Enterprise your own sister

Hornet: It's just I hate her for making herself believe she is only an an tool nevertheless I'll do everything to bring her senses back to reality

Omega: I see *Raises her hands and puts the behind her head* a wise decision Hornet I hope you keep going forward to your goal on saving her

Hornet: Thanks Omega

Omega: Your welcome

and then the head to the cliff and watched the seas crashing to the rocks like waves

To be continiued

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