39 | The Storm

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My blood ran cold at the sound of my phone ringing.

The no caller ID stared back at me, waiting. I didn't move my hands to answer it. I only stared because the dread of who was on the other line held me in my spot.

Once the ringing stopped, I felt like I could breathe again. Until it rang for a second time, and I had to force myself to answer it.

I held the phone to my ear, sitting on my bed with the covers providing me minimal comfort.

"Pearl?" Gabriel's voice made my eyes go wide.

"Gabriel, where are you?" My first question had me sitting up straighter, hoping to get an answer.

"She won't let me say-" He stopped with a grunt and inhaled sharply. It sounded like he was hurt.

"I told you I'd get him, didn't I?" Zandra's voice knocked the breath out of me.

She had Gabriel.

"Give him back, Zandra," I pushed the covers away and stood up beside my bed. "I'll give you what you want, just give him back."

I knew she had a love for negotiations.

"Hm," Her hum created a sharp chill to shoot down my spine. "Let me think."

Shutting my eyes tightly, I tried to listen for Gabriel again.

"You promised," I heard him whisper into the phone. "Pearl, you promised she wouldn't-"

"Shut up," Zandra cut him off harshly, and Gabriel breathed heavily.

I swore under my breath and moved the phone from my ear, ready to contact Riot. My tears blurred my vision, and I tried to stop the trembling of my hands.

"You call anyone, and the deal is off. You tell anyone, the deal is off," Zandra said before I could get the chance to text Riot.

I released a sharp breath, feeling completely hopeless.

"Okay," I spoke with a clear voice. "What do you want?"

Her pause made my stomach tug with fear. This wasn't going to end well for anyone.

"Zion," My heart hurt so much I had to remind myself to keep breathing. "I want to see you break his heart. I don't want to see you with him anymore. Then, maybe then, I won't go after his family too."

I stayed quiet for a few seconds. This wasn't real. It can't be real.

"Did you hear me, or must I convince you?" She asked cunningly, and I heard Gabriel wince.

"Okay, okay," I rushed out, not fully comprehending what I had just done.

Her laugh seemed to echo, and I wanted to throw my phone across the phone.

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