22 | Since You've Been Gone

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My attention had been on the white box the entire time, and I didn't even see that Riot was standing in the corner of my room since I came back from Nicandro's house.

I froze at his question, at his voice.

The only times I'd heard him were in my nightmares, well, ever since he fucking shot me.

"ворон," My eyes stung at the word he spoke. "Do you like them?"

He repeated his question. I knew Riot didn't like to repeat himself.

"Get out," I spoke through gritted teeth as my grip on the necklaces tightened.

I saw his feet take a step closer to me, and I finally snapped out of my trance, turning my body to face him.

Riot hadn't changed much in the past year. His grey eyes were still calculative as they scanned my figure with pursed lips. The dark waves that tumbled down his head were long enough to be tied up, and the hair tie around his wrist was evidence of it.

The scars that decorated the left side of his face were slightly darker in the light of my room, and I suddenly remembered I knew nothing of what he did to get them.

"Not yet," He lifted his finger to the box in my hand and the pearls in the other. "Lift the foam, and see what I left for you,"

I tensed my jaw, my heart still pounding wildly at his voice. It had been the source of my nightmares for months on end.

"Go on," He pushed, lifting the scarred eyebrow.

Hesitantly, I set down the pearls on my bed and used that hand to lift the red foam from cardboard.

Under the material, three photos were set neatly beneath each other.

"What's this?" I almost snapped at him.

"See for yourself,"

I didn't know why he was showing me these, or what he wanted in return. His intentions weren't known, and that itself sent shivers down my spine.

My fingers skimmed past the papers and brought them out from the box. I set everything else on my bed and held the images closer to my face.

I bit the inside of my lip to prevent giving Riot a reaction when I realised what he was showing me.

Iris was on the ground, facing upward with his lips parted. The lightness in his eyes was dim, and it wasn't because of the dark lighting.

A crimson line trailed down his open mouth, creeping down his chin.

I looked away, not wanting to confirm if Iris was truly as dead as he looked.

"Why are you showing me this?" My throat felt dry when I spoke up.

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