02 | Eye Contact

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"Sentence, the word with two meanings," Mrs MacQuoid spoke with a tone of confidence. "It can be interpreted as a set of words used to create a statement, question or command,"

She stalked around the almost empty room as Mia, Ed, Anton, Autumn and I watched her with curiosity, puzzled as to why she was explaining this familiar word to us.

"But a sentence is also a penalty distributed to a person for committing a terrible thing." Her voice hardened as she straightened herself, and I noticed Anton flinch in shock.

I stifled a chuckle.

I glanced at Mia as she raised her hand, waiting for Mrs MacQuoid to answer her, and when the teacher nodded Mia's way, she answered.

"Ma'am, I understand that sometimes you start every journalist session with a definition of a new word, but we are all quite familiar with this word, I think." Mia's pale blue eyes waited on Mrs MacQuoid's own brooding eyes for an answer.

The teacher inhaled a sharp breath, almost as if trying to calm herself down.

"The reason I am speaking of this word, Ms Golding, is because this word is something we are going to familiarise ourselves with for a certain someone today." Her voice shook with anticipation and I mentally cringed.

"Anton," Mrs MacQuoid's eyes landed on the boy at the front seat. "Bring him in."

The way she spoke the last words were almost as if she was about to experiment on whoever that poor boy was that she was bringing in.

I felt sorry for the soul she was about to diminish.

After a short moment, a knock echoed through the classroom and all four heads, including mine, glanced up at the door as it opened widely. Anton entered the classroom nervously, his eyes raking across the room to meet the teacher's eyes.

He moved away from the door and made room for the person behind him.

"Ah," Mrs MacQuoid's eyes sharpened on Zion as he walked in carelessly with a cold intensity on his face. "Zion Oceans, welcome."

Zion didn't speak a word as he walked to a seat at the back and planted himself down with his head tilted to the ground in disinterest.

"Zion is going to be joining us for the next three months and by the time he is done with those months, he must have completed six school articles, two for each month." My gaze returned to Mrs MacQuoid in the middle of her statement. "He will also complete other community services."

I heard a loud sigh and assumed it was from Zion who was sitting two rows behind me.

"This is his sentence," Mrs MacQuoid empathised on the last word to prove the point of her lesson. "Now, open your journals to a brand new page."

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