49 | Unsaid Words

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I loved his brown eyes. In the sun, some of the specks were highlighted with honey streaks. They brightened the usual dullness of them, but I loved any colour they appeared to be in any lighting. They were Zion's eyes. And staring at them made calmness soar in my heart.

"We need a medic!" One of the FBI called out, running to where Zion was on the ground.

There had been three shots. One for Zandra. The other two landed in Zion before Zandra was dead. She shot him twice, and some degrading part of me thought one was meant for me. But that didn't matter when the love of my life had blood drenching the material of his shirt.

There was a comfort he brought me. It was the kind of peace a best friend's reassurance would give someone. Without even needing to say anything, Zion was the serenity I wanted to get me through my days. Maybe it was a bad thing that I relied on him so much. Seeing him upset, or angry or hurt made me feel those things, too. Though, when he was happy, or excited or calm, I'd feel those as well and decided a while ago that it felt better than when I was feeling those things for myself.

"Pearl, he's going to be fine," Someone told me. I thought they were trying to move me away from the scene, but I was frozen. I couldn't move.

My eyes were strictly zoned in on Zion, and Riot kneeling beside him, talking to him.

"Come on. We need to take Zion to the hospital." It was Brighton's voice.

Hospital. Right. He was bleeding and needed help. Where was he bleeding from? Why was I so frozen when the one I loved was badly injured? I couldn't fucking move, and I wanted so desperately to.

"Up in three, two, one," Riot led the movements of the medics when they brought out a gurney and lifted Zion onto it.

There was blood on Riot's hands, and on the sand, and I still couldn't move. I was shaking. My hands were trembling, and I felt light-headed. It wasn't the time for me to be in shock, but I had no control of that, even when Zion turned his head as he lay down.

He was looking for me, and I couldn't bring myself to go to him.

His touch was even better. The softness of his skin when it brushed against mine made me all warm inside. It felt so right, and I never wanted it to stop. The sweet sensation of him caressing the side of my face, or holding me would be marked into my heart forever. His kisses didn't have less of an effect on me, either. Never before had someone kissed me the way he did, with so much passion and love. I never wanted to let that go.

"Pearl," I heard Zion whisper. Then I heard him gasp and panic.

The sound of his breathless fear snapped me out of my own anxiety, and I was rushing toward him as he headed for the ambulance.

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