04 | Not Ready

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The sound of a rattle from the basketball ring downstairs awoke me in the morning.

I groaned and covered my face with the thick blankets, but it was no use. I sighed and glanced at my phone on the bedside table beside me. It was close to 7 a.m.

I threw the blanket off me and sat up, raking my fingers through my hair to untangle the knots that I could manage to tame. Another rattle from the chains downstairs reached my window, and I huffed at the thought of not getting more sleep.

My first thought was Nevaeh, and I decided to go downstairs to yell at her for waking me up. I had planned to get more rest because I did not have enough energy from the previous week.

I wanted to strangle her with the chains of the basketball hoop.

I didn't waste time in getting all dressed up and dragged myself down the stairs and out to the backyard where Nevaeh was dribbling the basketball, getting ready to shoot.

She wore a white tank top and black shorts, her white sneakers shining in the sunlight. I almost squinted.

Her athletic figure bounced as she shot the basketball into the hoop and hung onto the rim for a moment before jumping down.

An unfamiliar sweet laugh filled my backyard, and I would've jumped in surprise, if the girl didn't come into view from where she was standing.

"Oh, hi," When the girl noticed that I was outside, she approached me slowly, her dark curls tied up in a ponytail that sat behind a white headband. "I'm sorry if we woke you. Nev said you should be awake by now, but I'm sorry if we did wake you."

I was aware that I was still in a t-shirt and long pyjama pants with my messy hair knotted into a nest on top of my head. My eyes were still squinted to adjust to the light outside, but I cleared my throat and straightened myself up to look a tad more presentable.

"It's okay, really," I smiled at the girl in front of me.

Something about her bright smile seemed familiar. Her bronze skin was shining beautifully in the sunlight, and her black eyes glanced at me with sheepishness.

"I'll let you go back to your game," I spoke with a welcoming smile on my face as I nodded back to Nevaeh, who was staring at me with frustration.

"Yeah, the game you so rudely interrupted." Nevaeh held the basketball under her arm and waited for her friend to jog back to her. I rolled my eyes when Nev grimaced at me.

I excused myself and went back inside my house. I trudged to the kitchen, deciding to make myself breakfast.

After pouring myself a cup of orange juice and waiting for my toast, I scrolled through my phone that I had left on the counter. I had gotten a missed call from Edvany and decided to message her to ask if everything was okay.

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