21 | Pearls

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"Teagan!" River called my name again as I walked out of the gates.

I could hear his footsteps hasten to catch up to me.

"Teagan, stop," The plea in his voice didn't stop me from leaving Nicandro's property.

I only reached the footpath before River's warm hand gripped my wrist.

"Just talk to me," He paused, his grip loosening. "Please,"

"River, I don't want this anymore," I admitted, hanging my head low in shame.

I was throwing away the start of something beautiful because I was scared.

Our friendship had bloomed two weeks ago, and when I gave Pearl some space last week, River refused to leave my side. He didn't want me to be alone or at least sit by myself at school.

"Do what?" He was getting impatient. "Talk to me?"

I shook my head, refusing to look at him as he stood beside me, his grip tightening on my hand.

"No, it's not that I don't want to talk to you," Because I did enjoy conversing with him. "I just, uh, I don't know how to explain it,"

"Then throw words at me, and I'll figure it out," River spoke sternly.

I sighed, glancing toward my car.

If I left right now, Pearl and Edvany would understand, or I hoped they would.

After the conversation River and I had this morning, everything was fine until I heard Nicandro speaking to River about Jennifer.

I wasn't necessarily jealous. I was hesitant. Whatever River had with his ex wasn't going away anytime soon, and I knew that would be an issue for us.

Hearing the song 'Jennifer' moments ago was the final straw for me. I knew it wasn't intentional, but I couldn't help but feel like everything was mocking me.

"We were fine this morning. I don't get it. You came here because you didn't want to say no to Nicandro, and then you said hi to me like you didn't even know me. Teagan, you haven't looked my way since," He clicked his tongue in frustration.

"I came here because you said you'd be here," I pulled my wrist out of his grip, and forced myself to look at him, turning so that we were facing each other.

He immediately caught my eyes. River's jaw was tense, and he appeared angrier than usual.

"I like you, in case I haven't made that obvious," I confessed, fully confident with my statement. "And I don't think I want to feel that way for you anymore because-" I cut myself off, hesitating to say the rest.

"Tell me," He stepped forward, eyebrows drawing together.

Damn him and those perfectly good eyebrows, trying to tell me what to do. Who did he think he was?

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