Chapter 32

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Toni drives exactly as you think Toni drives. One arm extended on the top of the wheel, the other cradling a bent leg on the seat. The seat has already been adjusted so it's tipped back. It's also scooted up.

And it's nothing like how Shelby drives.

"You sure made yourself comfortable in my car," Shelby lightly quips, a way to break the tension. Toni immediately sits up, trying to change how she looks, but a manicured hand goes to stop her. "It's fine, Toni, I just thought... you know, I'd say somethin' after we've been sittin' in silence for the past ten minutes."

Toni looks at the hand on her arm, she still feels the same electricity from the day they first touched. She relaxes at it. She knows Shelby's still in there. Her Shelby.

Toni chews on the inside of her mouth, wanting to say more. "A lot has been on my mind. Same with you, I guess," Toni says, not offering much of a response.

Shelby asks, "Is it about the service? Because that's been on replay in my head. Like a movie."

Toni taps the wheel, weighing her next words carefully, "It's about a lot of things." She knows it's not worth stirring up yet. They already had a tense conversation with Leah, who most certainly did not help Toni's case. Toni knows she needs to give Shelby slack.

Shelby takes an extra moment to watch Toni whose eyes are glued to the road. Like she wouldn't dare to look away. Shelby nods and decides silence is better. She settles into her seat, but it's not long before her fingers start to tap on the door.

Even with the radio on, the two girls can hear their own heartbeats. It's not reassuring. Toni makes a few turns and merges onto the highway. Shelby perks up at this. She's never been one who felt comfortable going high speeds in Texas. The idea of four lanes of cars going well over 60 miles per hour is downright scary.

Not like she'd have the freedom to do much long-term driving, anyway.

"Before either of us overthink this..." Toni trails off.

Shelby asks cautiously, "Why would we overthink drivin'?"

Toni quickly gives her a knowing look, "We're us." Shelby nods, understanding.

"Okay, then..." Shelby breathes out. "You're not like takin' me too far out of town because we both have—"

"Curfew. I know. I back-timed this. We're good, Shelby," then she looks over at the blonde again and repeats, "We're good." Hoping Shelby will understand.

"You planned?" Shelby asks, shocked. Toni cracks a grin and rolls her eyes in response. Shelby keeps her smile on her. She blows out a breath. Not sure what to do or say next.

"Yes, I planned," Toni responds jokingly, "I am capable of that."

Shelby readjusts in her seat, trying to tamper down the anxiety she's feeling building up in her. She decides to look out the window, watch the trees pass. Toni drives fast.

Shelby also braces the handle of the door.

"Toni. Where are you taking me." Shelby doesn't ask this as a question. Her heart rate begins to rise.

The brunette starts with, "I want you to know I care—" She doesn't get to finish. Shelby is already opening her mouth to interrupt. Toni lets her.

"You're scarin' me, I mean. I know that you care, or whatever—"

Toni winces at that.

"But, like, why now? I haven't been the most... social with you or anythin'." Shelby says the last part under her breath, embarrassed.

Is this the final stop? (Toni Shalifoe)Where stories live. Discover now