Chapter 65

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When Jobeth returns into the room, announcing that Melody and Spencer have to leave, Jobeth has to resort to pulling Melody off Toni. Her tiny hands lock onto Toni's blanket and it soon becomes a tug of war. And Jobeth is losing.

Shelby jumps in, promising Toni isn't going anywhere. To back her up, Toni embraces Melody in a big hug, in which Melody's arms link around Toni's neck. Melody wails in Toni's ear, not wanting to let go. Spencer swoops in and grabs Melody, lifting her off the bed. He wraps her little arms around his own body. "We're goin' to let her get better now."

He marches her out of the room. Toni and Shelby and Jobeth all try to restrain their laughter, covering their mouths. Shelby leans back, trying to see her siblings out in the hallway, clearly entertained. They are chaos, but they are her chaos.

"Well, Honey?" Jobeth asks, expectantly. "I think you need a good night's sleep. I think you both do."

Shelby turns back to Toni, and it's like Jobeth has asked her to leave for war. Shelby's eyes water and she nods at her mother. Shelby rushes to Toni's side, "Have the nurses text me if you need anythin'. Or if there's a sudden change. Or just in case—"

"I'm fine. I'll be fine, Shelby," Toni begs. "Go. You have school tomorrow, sucker."

Shelby makes a face at Toni, her lips forming a thin line of disgust and disappointment. "Very funny." She softens again, she picks at her nails, "I'll be back for lunch—"

"You'll be back after school," Jobeth corrects. "I know if you're comin' here, you are not returnin' to your classes."

Toni laughs, "You heard her."

Jobeth makes her way out of Toni's hospital room, "You can have an extra moment, we'll wait for you in the car."

When Jobeth leaves, Shelby plops down on the side of the bed, her eyes don't meet Toni's. She looks down and away, whispering, "I wish it didn't have to be like this."

Toni nods at her, recognizing all that she means in one simple sentence. This, recovering from assault. This, leaving her to heal alone for the night. This, keeping their relationship behind hushed whispers and stolen moments.

"But all I have control over is remindin' you to be hydratin' with ten glasses of water per day which should average out to nearly a glass an hour. But don't stay up late to hit that benchmark, because you also need 7-9 hours of sleep. Preferably the latter and—"

"Shelby, stop. Shelby. I'm not going anywhere. Okay, love? I can see you now and I will see you tomorrow. And every single fucking day after. You're not getting rid of me."


Shelby walks as slow as she can, wanting to stay, or time travel so it would be late afternoon the next day. Toni watches as Shelby dawdles and meanders her way to the curtain. Toni knocks on the table, one tap, then two, then one.

Shelby grins widely, and she responds, hitting the wall once, twice, and once again. She slips behind the curtain, making sure the hallway light doesn't leak all the way in.

Toni doesn't remember falling asleep. Or much of anything after Shelby left. But she checks the clock, and it reads 4:13am. She squints her eyes and cocks her head. She thinks she sees a figure in the corner.

Toni tenses. Toni blinks her eyes, struggling to see the real world. Her eyes have to be deceiving her. She widens them, hoping that will change the picture in front of her.

But there is definitely someone in her room.

The figure isn't the same size as him. This one is smaller, thinner, and longer. It's not scary, nothing made of nightmares. It's a frame of a girl, she can just make out dark hair, it's a direct contrast of the light blonde hair of Shelby's. There's a blanket draped over her, covering any other giveaway to who this stranger-in-the-dark might be.

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