P1 ; Ch3 | "KA-TSU-KI"

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y/n's pov

   i eventually got out from under the pipes, and now the sun is setting. i walk up to a spot i sit at sometimes which is by a bunch of old ships. it's nice. not a great view, but nice.

as i'm about to sit down, i hear a loud groan from not too far away. i know it's that guy, but i still panic and quickly hide behind a tall rock; right behind from where i was about to sit down.

i pant and stand up against the rock, trying to keep quiet so he can't hear me. i peek my head out to see him dangling from a large construction magnet, which he must've stuck to because of how much metal is on him.

i lightly chuckle at the sight, covering my mouth with my fingers. he groans out loud getting his gun, pointing it right beside him on the magnet. he fires his gun, making the magnet explode, along with him letting his anger out by shooting the ship closest to me.

he walks over to where i was about to sit- the rock i'm behind- and lets out a heavy sigh. i decide that enough is enough, and get over my shyness.

so, i walked to the other side of the rock, facing the blown up ships that were lit with flames. i could feel him give me a side glare as i whistled and took a large step side wards, getting even closer to him.

"what?" he spat coldly, startling me and i fall backwards letting out a small yelp.

i sit up and rub my head, "you look like you've had a bad day." i sit up fully, moving to sit next to him.

"no shit," he says and i frown. whatever he's looking for must be hard to find because he's been looking for this thing for a couple of days.

"i'm sorry, whatever you're looking for must be hard to find.." i mutter, feeling bad for the guy. speaking of 'guy', i still don't know his name..

he spoke up, "it's whatever. and you following me around like a creep for the past few days doesn't make it any better." i feel my cheeks heat up from embarassment.

"you know about that?" i ask feeling really embarassed.

"you're not very good at hiding," he answers and i nod, looking down at my hands. he looks over to me, "i never asked, but what's your name?" i look up to him, him looking at me in the eyes.

"y/n," i answer with a smile. he nods and looks back to the fiery ships. "what's yours?"

"kastuki bakugo," he says and i smile at him. i like his name; it fits him perfectly. katsuki bakugo. such a pretty name..

i nod, "katsuki." he shakes his head in frustration.

"don't call me that. it's bakugo," he spat at me with a glare. i don't want to call him that. why would he have such a pretty name for him to not even want people to call him it?

"katuski," i say again, making him even more angry than he was before.

"ba-ku-go," he frustratedly sounded out for me.

"ka-tsu-ki," i sound out for him and he grumbles.

"whatever," he mumbled looking over to the side. i smile, knowing i won, and he turns back to me. "uh, what are you doing here all alone anyway?" he asked and my smile falls.

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