P1 ; Ch11 | "I'LL FIX YOU"

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3rd pov

   when they separated from their kiss, katsuki gently took y/n's arm and brought it up close so he could look at the destroyed hardware. it was pretty bad. burns, holes, everything you could think of was damaged. a sigh left his lips as he shook his head and looked up to her, "i'm going to fix this. i'm going to fix you." the two stared into each others eyes, scared for what will happen in the next few hours. the girl only weakly nodded.

and with that, katsuki stood up and threw his board on the ground. it hovered over the dirty floor, causing the said dirt to swoosh away from the small blue thrusters on the bottom of the board. the boy hopped on it quickly, zooming off to the many piles of trash to try and find a part that could replace the destroyed one.

   he searched and searched, but only found a few parts that could make it work. with the help of the small light on his goggles, he managed to find these parts. katsuki held them close to his chest, making sure to not drop them—the only things that could help y/n. key word, "could." he wasn't for sure that these discarded parts would work, but he was damn sure he was going to try.

   while he was searching, y/n sat weakly against the pile behind her. she didn't even care how nasty it was, she worked with this kind of stuff everyday back on earth. ahh earth. as much as she didn't like it there alone, she wished she was there in her little home with hal and katsuki too. she had extra parts to fix the damages, and all she would have to do is point at where to find them to katsuki and then she'd be brand new. but unfortunately, she's not on earth—they're not on earth. they were stuck on this ship. ever since her parents left her on earth, all she wanted was to be up in space with her family... but now she's seen what this shit hole is. she would've hated it here. these people were surviving, not living. and the girl was glad that she didn't end up here.

   shaking her out of her thoughts, or more like vacuuming her out of her thoughts, M-O had been vacuuming y/n the whole time and the girl didn't even notice. she was too out of it. but apparently the little robot had finished its job, making a little chattering noise before sitting down next to y/n. the girl looked down at the cute little robot, shakily reaching her hand out to it. "i'm y/n," she rasped just above a whisper. her voice was gravely and rough, yet so soft and quiet.

   the little robot outstretched it's little vacuum bar-handle into y/n's limp hand, vacuuming her glove in the process. "M-O," it spoke. y/n felt a small smile creep onto her face, her eyes squinting from the light.

   "you're a cu-te little guy, are-n't ya, M-O?" she chuckled lightly.

   "M-O," was all the robot replied. M-O kind of reminded the girl of herself in a way. when she meets someone for the first time, she always just says her name and nothing else. why? she doesn't really know, she's always done that.

   M-O snuggled up by her leg, sitting down to rest. y/n softly tapped the little robot on it's head as she waited for katsuki to get back. M-O was like her little buddy up in space. sure, he wasn't too fond of her when she first arrived, but he seems to be warming up to her.

   the sound of the faint buzzing from katsuki's board filled the girl's ears while she was giving M-O some head pats. y/n slowly looked up at katsuki, who hopped off his board with a few things in his hands. "i'm not sure if these'll work, but i brought them anyway," he spoke softly, walking over to the tired girl. he knelt down in front of her, picking up each item out of his hands and bringing them up her arm to see if they would work. part after part, he kept tossing them away because they wouldn't fit, causing the boy to get more and more frustrated.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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