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y/n's pov

   after the nice man let me through, i looked down at katsuki's sleeping form and placed my hands on his cheeks. i sigh, "you're okay." he looks peaceful in his sleep. not to be weird or anything, but i'm just now realizing how pretty he is.

the rest of the ride was just me admiring katsuki, and the man who let me through giving me side glances. luckily, the ride was finally over and the cart that was holding katsuki started to go out of the train thingy. it lead to this weird large, dark room that had another robot in it. the robot was hanging from the ceiling and had a big red eye-thingy. the small arm-like things were pressing buttons on the platform in front of it. the robot that was guiding the cart drove up to it, stopping in front of it.

   i stood behind katsuki's head, looking up to the mysterious robot in front of us. it was a lot bigger than it looked when we first got in here. the robot looked up at us and pressed a button, making a door beside it open. as the cart drove into the elevator, i waved to the robot with a cheeky smile. it only stared at me, but i gave it another wave anyway. and it waved back at me this time! robots are so cool!

   the elevator was quick as it went up, the sight of the whole ship was visible, and to say the least, it was very cool. i wonder how it looks at night.. anyway, as we reached the top of the ship, the elevator doors opened and a steering wheel for the ship with a red eye comes into view. my eyes widen as i stare at it, it was intimidating for sure. i definitely almost peed a little from its cold stare.

   it came over to katsuki and started to scan him. why? i'm not sure, but it was definitely weird. actually, this whole place seems like a bunch of bologna! there's something odd about this place, and i'm definitely getting nervous. as it finished scanning katsuki, i backed up a little as the wheel and the small robot in the front were talking with beeps? strange. but once they were done, the floor beneath me disappeared, and i fell through the floor. i almost screamed, but i covered my mouth as my eyes go wide. i fall to the hard floor with a grunt, and the wheel followed me down the hole.

   "captain, you are needed on the bridge," it spoke, making me bring my knees up to my chest as i sat panicking. i hope katsuki's okay...

   the said captain was snoring loudly, his long, blonde, almost yellow hair flying as he blew on it. i take a good look around as the place began to light up. honestly, the place looked kinda cosy, but not as comfy as my home back on earth. i then take a look at the pictures of the former captains on the wall. the first one was a man i didn't know, but the second one caught my eye. it was my dad.. his time as captain wasn't too long because of how old he was. his hair was a light grey, and he had more facial hair than i remembered. but it was definitely my dad, no doubt. gosh, i missed him so much, the same with my mom. it sucked being able to live forever sometimes.. like as much as you try, you can't stop the suffering of being alone and the pain. 

   i was pulled out of my thoughts with the sound of beeping from the captain's alarm clock. the captain began feeling his hand around everywhere until it hit my belt. my eyes widen as the music that i had recorded on it began to play, jolting the man awake. "all hands on deck!" he exclaimed with fright. behind me came in a girl wearing pink with a bunch of supplies like scissors and combs. beside her was a buff man, who was very large.

   "morning!" the girl exclaimed. "just a trim?" she asked as the bed that the captain was on shot up. the girl began to brush his teeth and trim his hair as the big guy began to give him a massage. i sat at his feet, not knowing what to do, so i began to massage his feet. luckily, my gloves were over my hands, so i didn't have to touch his nasty feet. the captain, still half asleep began to chuckle as the big guy started to massage his cheeks. "uh-huh! i see. i know, honey. i know." the girl said, almost done with her work. "i'm good, i am good. you look gorgeous!" she exclaimed again as her and the man finished up.

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