P1 ; Ch10 | 'FANTASY'

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3rd pov

the first thing the spikey haired boy saw was a bright light coming from the roof, which had a claw-like opening as trash poured out of it. his eyes slowly opened, taking in his surroundings, including the computer mice walking and running around his body. his eyes were fully open now, shooing the mice away quickly in disgust. he was in the trash room.

his eyes widened as the memories of the events that happened earlier flooded his mind. y/n! she was down here somewhere, but he had no idea where. i mean, she could be anywhere—

"caution. activating airlock disposal."

katsuki's heart beat picked up at the computer's voice. airlock disposal? that meant the trash was being sent out into space! that also means that he was also being launched into space! but that was the least of his worries, he was mainly worried about y/n. the only person he truly cared about. had she already been sent out into space? god, he hoped not.

"y/n?!" he called out, his voice raspy from not talking for a while. no response. "Y/N!!" he yelled again, yet no response other than the computer repeating its words. katsuki began to panic. he looked to his right and notice the large closing doors, lit up by a very bright light. the white room had very big cubes of trash compacted together—much like y/n's back on earth but much bigger. "y/n!! please! ANSWER ME!" he strained out. he was already drained from the life almost getting sucked out of him, and this was not helping. but the boy didn't care. "Y/N!" he yelled even more panicked as the large robots wheeled themselves over to the area katsuki was at.

he let out a shaky breath as he looked up at the robots. they had very very bright lights that looked like their eyes, and claw-like hands that gathered the trash from the ground to compact it. while taking a small glance at them, he did notice the small—big—letters that spelled out WALL-E. they were just like y/n. except not human, of course. but that didn't matter. the only thing that mattered was getting her back.

the large WALL-E's snapped katsuki out of his trance as they extended their long arms over the area where he was sat. he was covered in trash and felt limp, so he couldn't really move or run away. the robots began to compact the trash, along with katsuki. the pressure of trash a pieces of metal was definitely not comfortable, but he didn't care. he wasn't really worried about himself right now. the robot lifted the cube, bringing it over to the other stacked ones. "Y/N!!" he yelled out once more with all the strength he could muster. but even with all the alarms and other loud noises, one stood out of them all. a small groan—a quiet groan—caused him to look to his left weakly.

and there she was, her arms hanging down beside all of the trash compacted around her. her whole body was limp as she struggled to look over in katsuki's direction. "ka-ts?" just above a whisper, she spoke. the girl could barely speak, but she still tried with every bone in her hundreds of years old body to talk to her katsuki. despite his pain, the boy began to push out of the trash cube. he had to save y/n. and he was going to do that.

"caution. activating airlock disposal."

the computer repeated once again, reminding katsuki that he needed to hurry up. he grunted as he tried to push out of his spot, but still had no luck. the stack of trash blocks began to move towards the airlock, only panicking the boy even more. he continued to try pushing and shoving, and even jumping his way out of the strong hold of the compacted trash, but still nothing. but as he was struggling, a lightbulb flickered on in his head. his gun! that could easily help him get out of the shit he was in.

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