•Chapter 1

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May 19th, 1536, Palace of Westminster

"Your Majesty, the Pope offers his niece, the Lady Lucrezia De'Medici, as your new bride." Master Cromwell said to me. I looked up at him with his eyebrows raised. "The Pope offers his niece? Why should he?" I asked as I put away the documents I was signing.

"I'm guessing this is a way for him to bring peace between our two nations, Your Majesty."

"So then he offers his niece. Isn't this a trap?" I asked suspiciously.

"But majesty why should he give us one of his strongest weapons as a trap. The Pope has only two nieces: Lady Lucrezia and Lady Catherine. They both come from one of the most powerful Italian families and are also two wealthy heirs since they were both orphans. Catherine is already married to the second son of King Francis, because of this he already has an alliance with France. It just seems useful to me to accept his niece." Cromwell gestured to one of the lackeys who had come with him.

The footman held up a portrait of a young girl with dark hair and dark eyes. She had pale skin and she looked sophisticated in the portrait.

"This is Lady Lucrezia, she just turned 18.  The Pope writes that she is educated in Spanish, French, English and Latin in addition to her Italian. She also learned math and knows a lot about medicine."  Cromwell continued.

I nod as I continued to look at the portrait. I had to admit that Lucrezia was beautiful and she sounded like the perfect bride, but when I thought about my Jane, the woman I had promised to marry, it didn't feel right. 

But there was one thing Jane couldn't give me and that was an alliance. Not only was Jane 10 years older than Lucrezia and couldn't assure me she was still fertile, but Jane wasn't as educated as Lucrezia.

Not that I wanted to have an educated wife again. After Catherine and Anne, I would have preferred a woman who would not interfere in my affairs.

"Very well then, write to the Pope that I accept his niece." I agreed. Cromwell nodded "There is one more thing Your Majesty. The Pope writes that the marriage will only take place if the Lady Lucrezia is allowed to keep her own religion. Your children will follow the religion you set for them."

I nodded again. There was always a condition if you tried to arrange something with the Holy Father. I knew that too.

"Your Majesty."  Cromwell bowed and left the room.

Now it was up to me to tell Jane about my marriage.

June 10th, 1536, England

I sighed boredly as I looked out the small window of my cabin.

After almost a week at sea, I was fed up with this room. I was bottled up here with three of the ladies-in-waiting I brought from Italy: Giulia, Bianca, and Clarice.

I've known Giulia since I was twelve.  She was my best friend except for my cousin Caterina. I knew everything about her and she knew everything about me, so she was my chief lady in waiting.

I only knew the other two girls, Bianca and Clarice, for a year or two.  They were two sweet girls and I appreciated everything they did for me.

"I see land." I said cheerfully when I could finally see England from afar. I turned to my ladies-in-waiting who were sitting in the room.  "Help me get changed and then get dressed too."  I said.


When the ship arrived and I took my first steps in England over the jetties, I was met by two carriages and a man.

The man walked up to me and bowed.  "Good day my Lady, I am Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. I am here to escort you to Westminster Palace where you will meet the King."

I smiled. "Good day, Your Grace, thank you for coming to pick me up." I made a short curtsy. I was not yet a queen and until now he was higher in rank than I was.

The duke helped me into the coach and sat down opposite me himself while my ladies-in-waiting got into the coach behind mine.

The journey to the palace was in silence.  I tried to enjoy a little bit of the scenery we passed by.

"May I ask you something, my lord?"  I asked, "Yes, my lady"

"Please tell me more about the king, I feel like no one wanted to tell me about my future husband"

Charles sat a little straighter. "His Majesty is 45 years old, he is a lover of art, joust, dance and music."

"And the princesses, the daughter of Queen Catherine and Anne Boleyn?"

"The Lady Mary and The Lady Elizabeth are no longer officially princesses. They both live in their own castle"

I sighed, "I assume that if I give the king a daughter, my future would be the same as that of my predecessors?".

Charles looked at me startled."My lady, if I were you I would never repeat those words again, you will have to be more careful".

I nodded, startled, and decided to keep my mouth shut for the rest of the trip.

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