•Chapter 19

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July 3rd, 1537, Westminster Palace

"His Majesty, the King!"

I made a curtsy as Henry walked into his private dining room.

"Good morning, Your Majesty."
I said after he sat down. "Good morning Lucrezia, take a seat."

I smiled and sat across from him as the groom began to fill Henry's plate with food.

"How is your search for your ladies-in-waiting?" he asked me.

"I have chosen not to administer any new ladies-in-waiting for now. I think three ladies-in-waiting is good enough." I said as I took a bite of my breakfast, "I am looking for more maids for James and the Lady Elizabeth. The Lady Astley wrote to me that they are deficient."

Henry nodded approvingly. "Very well then.". "I also want to send some nursemaids to Greenwich for when we travel there. That way, the nursemaids who take care of James here get a moment of peace and can spend it with their families."

"That won't be needed.Cromwell advised me to send James home to Hatfield after all, with a group of experienced maids and governesses, of course." Henry said without looking at me. "But..."

"My choice is certain."

I got up angry. "You promised me James would stay with us! You promised it!." I said loudly. I walked towards the door but then turned back to Henry.

"What kind of father are you? First the Lady Mary whom you declare a bastard and send her away from her mother only to put her in her own sister's a few months later as if she were a maid and then the Lady Elizabeth for whom you even refuse to get new clothes too though she has grown out of hers. I've done my best for the past few months to take good care of both of your daughters.I sent them money and clothes, got Elizabeth to hire new people and even sent an experienced nursemaid to your bastard son Edward and this is how you thank me?"

I walked out of the room again, leaving Henry in shock.

Arriving in my rooms, I immediately sat down behind my table and hurriedly started writing a letter.

Holy Father, dearest uncle,

I am writing to you with great urgency. The king intends to send my son James away from my side and raise him far from me.

I thought. Uncle would simply say I had to accept it because it was my duty as queen and wife to obey him. I had to find a way to get him on my side.

I am afraid that they will raise my son in a different way than the Catholic upbringing I would give him. I need your help to keep my son by my side so that I can make him the Catholic Prince you want on the throne.

your niece,

Lucrezia De'Medici, Queen of England

"Clarice, quick." I said as I closed the letter and sealed it with my stamp. "Send this letter with the utmost urgency. Make sure no one notices you, understand?" I gave the letter to Clarice.

She made a curtsy and hurried out of the room. I got up again and started pacing the room.

"Please Madam, calm down. I am sure the Holy Father will come to your aid." Giulia tried to calm me down.

I turned to her. "I'm afraid even his help won't be enough." I felt myself getting anxious. Not only because James would be far away from me, but also because there was a greater chance something could happen to him if I wasn't there to protect him.

I was afraid of the Seymour family.

It was no secret that they hated me for the fact that I had become queen and they hadn't and I gestured a prince instead of a bastard.

The Seymour family was my enemy.

But not only them but Cromwell as well.

He wanted my son far away from me. That man had too much influence over the king.

I had to find a way to have such influence over him. The king had to love me as he loved Jane, only then could I have what I wanted.

I had, and would destroy my enemies.

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