•Chapter 30

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December 4th, 1537, Hampton Court

Months passed and a lot happened in those months.

The Lady Elizabeth came to join us at Hampton Court. Elizabeth quickly warmed to me and there were even times when she called me mama which warmed my heart.

She may not have been my own daughter, but I loved her as if she were made of my flesh blood. Even Henry who was cold to her at first warmed to her and acknowledged her intelligence.

Her fourth birthday in September had been generously celebrated and we had ensured that she had enjoyed her day.

The lady mary also visited us often. She had her own apartments in the palace, so she could come as often as she wanted, which she did, of course. I saw in her a friend, someone I could trust.

My friendship with Charles Brandon and Catherine Brandon also grew. When it turned out that we both hated Cromwell, he soon told me that Francis Bryant and he were doing everything they could to get rid of him, behind the king's back, of course. I had offered them my support in whatever they were up to, I trusted them.

My relationship with Henry also improved and I noticed that I started to have feelings for him myself. It didn't take long for me to get pregnant again.

At the end of November, the doctor stated that I was already 3 months pregnant. Which meant the baby and James would only be 2 months apart in age.

It was not often that a woman conceived a new child so quickly and so I thanked the Virgin Mary for this miracle.

With the love of Henry, the alliance between me Charles and Francis and my three children, my life was perfect.


"But mama, why?" asked Elizabeth. I had just told her that she would have her own room outside the nursery.

"Because you're going to have a new brother or sister very soon. It must be terrible for you if you had to live between two babies, wouldn't it?" I said to her. "It's true that James is already a nuisance in the nursery, but I really like it there." said Elizabeth. I heard my ladies-in-waiting snickering behind me.

"But you can always pass the nursery, you will just sleep in another room." I tried to explain to her. She thought for a moment. "All right, if you promise me that the Lady Astley may continue to take care of me."

"I promise." I ran my hand through her red locks. "Lady Astley, take Elizabeth with you, it's time for her lesson." I said to Elizabeth's nanny.

She nodded and made a curtsy with Elizabeth and left the room.

I sighed wearily. "Clarice, will you loosen up my dress, I'm about to choke." We walked to the bedroom and she loosened the dress a bit.

"Your belly seem to be bigger with this pregnancy." Clarice noted. "That's because I hadn't fully recovered from my first pregnancy when I got pregnant again. The midwife and the doctors have already warned me that this pregnancy will be much heavier, and that also applies to the delivery."

"You'll have to be careful." she said concerned. I took her hand "with the three of you around me everything will be fine, don't worry." I said smiling.

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