Chapter 21 - All your Fault

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YAY UPDATE! Let me know what you peeps think of this chapter!


A loud boom shook the walls, causing me to wake up with a start. On the bedstand stood a hologram clock reading midnight. Flashing bright lights splashed and danced throughout my bedroom, accompanied by popping, crackling and whistling. The fireworks again... They've been going off nonstop for the past three days, a celebration of bringing everything back in a way, a street festival that the people in the city suddenly decided to have. Despite our warnings about the world coming to a stop once more they wanted to do it anyway.

Over where America used to be, they are taking the news better than the people here, and started building shelters right away to accommodate people from the possible disaster. Banks all over the world have started shutting down. Hopefully that will slow our enemy down a little bit.

It all happened a month ago. Kai tapped into our heads. Brought it all back... Even now, people are still adjusting to everything that we have managed to bring back. It eventually spread to the rest of the world (Excluding those who did not wish to remember), and the response was... Phenomenal.

People all over the world immediately tapped into the technology from the old ways. The way the world worked was, people could instantly have all of the data they wanted transferred into their brains and they would know everything. It was scary in a way, that people could just go to the way it used to be so easily. It almost made me upset... But who was I to complain...

I looked over at Yuu, seeing his sleeping but troubled face made me worry about him even more. Dark shadows were evident under his eyelashes. He was... Not sleeping as often as he should.... Probably due to the past events that have happened to him. To all of us. I know he is the old Yuu again but, he's still Aoi too. There are things he doesn't remember. Hell even things I don't remember still. Things like who my parents were, the faces of any possible siblings I had... I don't recall any of it. But there was one thing that I unfortunately remembered.

Those terrible memories of when I died. The racking physical pain that tore me up in the inside and out. Even worse was the emotional torment of knowing I would possible leave Yuu behind. We would be apart, that's what I thought at the time.

Thankfully he didn't leave me, he came with me and we were together for so long. Until he was forced to be reborn again... And I was alone. For twenty seven long years I was forced to watch my soul mate live his life without me, being none the wiser that I ever existed. Even Akira seemed distanced from me and focused only on Takanori.

Along the way some more strange things have started happening to me. I already told Yuu some of it, but not all of it... The Former ArchAngel visited me a few times that much he knows. But I still haven't told him the most important part, about my almost having to go to hell to save the world. I almost did, just to save everyone else but... When I knew Ruki could bring me back I turned selfish and I stayed behind to be with Yuu again... What's even worse is that I know who he is trying to catch, but I can't tell him. What the hell am I supposed to do? I want to tell him so badly, so we can put this all behind us.

But if I do that then I'll have to... To leave forever. I can't put Yuu through that again, not after losing me once already. I just can't. I have no other choice but to let it all unravel before my eyes. At least... We'll be together. It's what my heart has always wanted.

The vision I had before regaining my memories has always been bothering me. Is what Ruki said true and I was witnessing some sort of terrible future event? A prophecy maybe? I don't want to be taken away... Someone will probably blab to the outside world that me, Akira and Kyo exist. Someone will eventually come and try to take me away. That's what this vision tells me. We have a month left to prepare ourselves.

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