Chapter 7 - Blissfully Tortured

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Aoi was literally panicking. What the fuck had he gotten himself into?! Why was he doing this?! His arms flailed as he tried to reason with himself and looked around for Ruki as he was no longer in the living room, and Kai appeared to have gone home as well...

He nearly called out for him before suddenly, a thought occurred to him. So much so that it made him stop in his tracks.

...Why was he doing this? What was his real reason for letting it come this far? Aoi wasn't... he wasn't too certain but... what he did know was. He wanted to do it. Uruha was precious and important, and he wanted him for himself. That voluptuous body unique to him and only him. No one else could touch him... no one.

There. He had his reason. Well one that satisfied him anyway. For now.

“Ruki,” he says again. “I need your help. Where did you go?”

There was a rustling noise coming from the main bedroom, it's door then opened and Ruki spoke up.

“In here.” Aoi hurried over to his friend, a sweat broken out on his forehead. Inside, Ruki and Reita were sitting on his bed with a notepad between them. It appeared to be an examination of sorts. “What do you want?”

“Uh, well. I need to ask you something.”


He fidgeted before biting his lip.

“Well... you never explained to me and Uruha what you meant by full circle. Can you explain that to me?”

Ruki seemed to be thoughtful, his eyebrows tugging together.

“Oh. I had completely forgotten about that... Hm, well. As it stands... you and Uruha are fully compatible, both emotionally and biologically.”

Ruki sighed and gave Aoi a stare.

“It means you can have sex, idiot. Thanks to some stem cells, he can... well, finish as any normal male can after sexual activity. He trusts you and he wants you to do it. I can tell by the way you're asking me this with that look on your face. You're about to do it aren't you?”

Aoi blushed furiously, his face reddened to the point of overheating. Ruki smirked and put a hand on his hip.

“Ahh, um well... that is what I wanna know. He seems to know what he is doing but I have no idea what I am doing. Which is why I need your help. Can we do it normally or..? Is there something I need to do?”

Ruki shakes his head and rolls his eyes as though he were speaking to a small child.

“No. Just do what you would do with someone human. You have been with a guy before right, Aoi?”

“Um, yes. As far as I can recall as it was some time ago... But you are certain of this?”

“I am ninety five percent positive,” came a nonchalant response as he turns to Reita. “But Aoi?”

The raven bristled at the concern in Ruki's voice.

“Huh?” Ruki sat straight up before tossing him a small plastic packet with what appeared to be... “Condoms? But isn't he-”

“I don't want you to make him dirty. He's very easy to clean sure, but still. I'll never be able to look at him the same way again. Please for the love of God, use them,” he pleads and turns away again. “Now get out, I'm talking to Reita. Make sure you don't hurt him either, or I will hurt you back.”

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