Chapter 30 - The End is only the Beginning

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No one dared speak a word in the somber atmosphere. Uruha took a deep shaky breath and reached out to close Masa's dead clouded eyes. Everyone was stunned into silence at witnessing the man die. But he was hoping he made the right decision. If not... He could only hope that he was forgiven from it. The guilt was strengthened however when Hiro began to speak.

"We could have saved him," he said and looked at Uruha with judgmental eyes. "Why? Why did we let him die?"

Offended at being judged for something he couldn't help he grew irate and stared Hiro down with steely eyes.

"This is the way it was meant to be," he snapped. "We needed a vessel, we found one. I don't need much more of a reason than that."

Before Hiro could retaliate there was a sudden rumbling shaking the entire church like an earthquake. The windows shattered causing everyone to drop to the ground as the rumbling continued in a deafening roar.

"What's happening?!" Tsuzuku yells so he can be heard. Aoi reached for Uruha but his lover didn't move a muscle, staring up at the ceiling with glassy eyes and a rigid posture.

"Uru! Get down!"

His voice was drowned out by the rumbling and then there was the light. It flooded the room to near pure whiteness so everyone was forced to cover their eyes. Uruha however didn't even flinch as all he stared at was white nothingness. A ringing filled the air and got steadily louder until all too soon it just stopped. The rumbles went away and the light faded. Aoi uncovered his eyes and gasped.

His lover just stood there, gazing in front of him at the altar. Standing there was... Masa. Not dead. In fact he seemed very much alive and glowing. Like literally glowing. A white aura pulsated from his form and he seemed like an entirely new person. Uruha gasped and stepped back in surprise.

"Masa-kun..?" he asked hesitantly, but the man smiled at him.

  "Yes. And no," he quips with a laugh. "It is me, my friend. I, am Micheal."  

What was once a rough and dirty appearance was now one of elegance and grace. His face was smooth and flawless, his eyes lined in simple black makeup. His once matted hair was perfect and in a complicated array of braids in a ponytail with some framing his face. He wore a fancy outfit of only black, unlike the white outfit he had seen Lucifer wearing in that last meeting he had.

Aoi came up behind Uruha to watch for any possible danger. But it seemed like there was only a friendly demeanor coming from the strange person. Uruha swallowed and initiated conversation.

"Micheal... It's really you? I solved your puzzle?"

Micheal nodded in a slow graceful way.

"Indeed you have, and you have performed your duties to the letter. Like I promised in the vision I gave you, I will life the curse from the land and it will be cleansed. However before I leave there are a few things that I believe I am ready to reveal to all of you,"

He now looked upon everyone else who were equally as shocked to see him alive and well. Aoi swallowed as he and Uruha backed up to give him some space. The Arch Angel breathed in deeply and began speaking in a loud voice to echo throughout the building.

"Listen to me, my dear humans. Your savior has finally come and I will help in any way I can. You have solved your first puzzle and for that I am grateful. You still have nine trials to go, each will be harder than the last. Are you willing to risk everything to save your world?"

Hesitating everyone looked around before looking back at Uruha. The android understood that and looked back at Micheal.

"We are. This world is precious to us and we will do everything to protect it."

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