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(Sorry for the late update. This week has been really really bad and I am really not in a good place rn but still, here it is)

Gwyn didn't know where she was going. She just kept flying around Velaris. Trying not to think about him. Refusing to think about him.

She wouldn't let a guy control her. Even if it was her own mate, she would never let him take control of her. But she'd be lying if she said that he didn't have any affect on her.

Even right now, she wanted to go to him and comfort him. She wanted to wipe his tears and tell him pretty lies. But she wouldn't. She would stop herself, and not go to him.

She was just flying around and she didn't even realize when she'd exited Velaris. She was just thinking about all this, when she spotted Nyx and Hayley, tied to a tree.

Were they trying out some new kinks while having sex? If they were, that is definitely not the way they should do it. But then Gwyn remembered, that Nyx is not Azriel, and Hayley isn't Gwyn.

Nyx was hugging Hayley tightly, her back sticking with his front. But then Gwyn suddenly saw Nyx's eyes stir awake, and his eyes locked with hers.

She didn't need to hear the word he said in her mind, it was written as clear as day on his face-


Gwyn didn't think twice about flying down there, and that was her first mistake.

As soon as she landed, she felt a pang of pain in her left wing, she shouted, but didn't stop untying the rope. Nyx opened his eyes again and said, "You, need, to, leave."

Gwyn looked at him once, but then felt another ash wing in her left wing. "And you, need to shut up and take Hayley away from here." She told him, in between breaths.

The pain threatened to take away her consciousness, but she didn't care. She pushed back the pain and exhaustion to the back of her mind and kept untying them, but she knew that this kind of a knot was complex.

She'd read about it before, but she couldn't place where.

Nyx managed to get his hand out of the rope and stop her hand, "Leave. It's an order," Gods, how Gwyn felt like smacking him across the face.

Gwyn stopped for a second, only for an ash arrow to strike her right wing. "Listen to me, high prince. You are not a High Lord yet, and you will not give orders to the high lady of the fucking spring court. You will winnow away right now, to your house, and get help. But you will not come back here or I swear to god Nyxie I will wage a war on the night court."

Gwyn told him and Nyx's eyes widened. She further explained, "Go to your father, he'll explain everything." That wasn't really an explanation, but it was enough.
She finally untied the last knot. "Leave."

And she let a bit of her power from the autumn court be seen in her eyes. Nyx panted while carrying Hayley bride style and asked, "Autumn Court too?" Gwyn got up to meet his eyes and winked, despite the pain, "What can I say? I'm a multitasker. Now leave."

Nyx grinned at her, and then Hayley started moving in his arms. Nyx nodded at Gwyn before winnowing away.
She thought she was going to faint because of the pain.

She lied on the ground, promising herself that she's just closing her eyes, and not sleeping. But that was when, the pain got so much worse and hell rained down.


Gwyn opened her eyes due to the pain, in every damn part of her body.
She looked around and saw that she was pinned to a wall, her hands had knives through them to stick her up, the same with her wings.

Gods her beautiful wings. She didn't even realize when she had started crying. It wasn't that she wanted to cry, no. She wanted the tears to stop. But the pain made it impossible to do so.

Her entire body was covered with blood. The blood of her hands above her head trickling down her face. The blood from her wings was on the floor, and it could've filled an entire bath tub.

Gwyn got the energy to shout, "Who are you?" And suddenly she heard the cackling of the voice she had hated the most, Merill.

Gwyn and Azriel had removed Merill from the sanctuary in Velaris, when Gwyn had discovered, that she was Azriel's step mother.

Oh how Gwyn had wanted to kill that bitch on the spot, but Azriel refrained her. Azriel was caught up in the trap Merill had laid. She told them that she'd given Azriel his shadows, so that they'd keep him company.

Gwyn didn't believe one line of that shit, but Azriel did. And Gwyn had no choice but to respect the shadowsingers' opinion to let her go, saying that he wanted to move on from him past.

Merill didn't come in front of Gwyn, but she could feel her, in the shadows. Gwyn always did have a connection with Shadowsingers. She could find that out who and where they were, just by their shadows.

But Merill's shadows weren't like Azriel's. They weren't nice or helping. But they were darkness, complete and utter darkness. Gwyn had never been scared of darkness, until now. Because she could feel the scent of death on Merill's shadows. It was indescribable, but she could.

Then she started hearing the whispers. They would haunt her, for life. She knew that they would.

Hello Gwyneth, she whispered.

"What do you want," Gwyn said, it wasn't a question, but a command.

"Too scared to come out?" She continued.

She heard a cackle in the distance.

Scared? Me? Oh you must be mistaken Gwyneth, I am not scared.

"What. Do. You. Want." Gwyn gritted out through her teeth.

Oh I planned on being nice to you Gwyneth, but looks like we can skip the pleasantries.

No no no no, Gwyn thought. Not more pain not more pain, she won't be able to handle anymore pain. So she tried to distract her, tried to not let her pain be shown in her voice, but failed miserably.
"How did you get your shadows? I thought you gave them to the shadowsinger."

Oh dear Gwyneth. You were right, I never gave the shadowsinger his shadows, only lies. I thought you were going to ruin my life, you almost did. I got these shadows from a person I love very dearly, he's stuck in a lake though. But enough with all that, because now, it's time for revenge.

And then Gwyn felt the shadows enter her body, the feeling of darkness overcome. She tried to fight it, she really did. But she couldn't. She didn't realize when she'd started shouting, or when some black liquid started pouring out of her eyes, nose and mouth.


Gwyn was brought back to consciousness only for a second, when she heard someone shouting her name.

And then she felt the knife from one of her hands being removed and being stabbed into her heart.

The last thing she remembered was the knife from the other hand being removed, and her falling into endless darkness.

A/N : Sooooooooooo, sorry for the plot dump. Anyways, hope u liked it! Don't forget to comment.

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