I love her so much

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A/N: A little fluffy chapter for you all :) but don't worry, the pain is next.

Gwyn had left. She had finally given up on him. Azriel always knew that it was going to happen, and he knew that she finally detached herself from him, but he wasn't.

He thought he would be happier to let Gwyn leave, live her life, but he wasn't. All he wanted to do was bend down on his knees, and beg Gwyn to stay.

Once where there was a throbbing bond pulsating through Azriel's chest, now there was just darkness. She had closed her side of the bond, and he didn't know what she was feeling.

Since 25 years they had not closed their sides of the bond. Always letting the other know what they're feeling. But now, now one of them had.

Azriel didn't even realize when tears started leaving his eyes. The pain got stronger every second. The pain of loosing Gwyn.

And when he lost Gwyn, he didn't just loose a wife. He lost his mate. He lost his best friend. And he lost the one person who'd always been there for him.

Azriel just wanted to switch off this pain. He wished there was a fucking button to just switch off all your emotions, if only for just a few hours.

And then he realized, there was. Drugs. He immediately winnowed to one of the filthiest clubs in Velaris. It was underground. Rhys knew about it, but didn't care much as long as it's products didn't leave that place.

Let the games begin.


Cassian was just flying overhead. He'd heard an alert from Rhys to meet him immediately.

Cassian had been doing all of Azriel's work since the last month, and god did it exhaust him.

And then, he spotted his brother. Lying down in the middle of the road. Cassian immediately flew down and landed on that road. Thankfully it was still dark right now.

Cassian walked towards Azriel, whose hands clutched his knees like a toddler. A bottle of booze in them as well.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Azriel slowly got up and squinted his eyes, "Gwyn? Is that you?" And Cassian was kind of offended by that.

He gulped and said, "I admit my hair's grown long (it had, it was now waist length) but what kind of stupid person would find a similarity between me and Gwyn?"

Azriel dramatically clutched his heart and said, "Don't say her name Cass. It hurts too much, so much." "But you just said it you fucking idiot-"

and Azriel just moved his hands as an indicator for Cassian to stop speaking and laid back down on the road.

"Enough with the cussing, Gwyn doesn't like it. Unless it's her whose cussing." And he clutched the bottle of booze to his chest tightly, like a little girl clutching her doll.

Cassian was about to taunt him again, but thought better of that. "Let's get you home now-" "No no no home for me." And then Azriel started crying, and hiccuping.

"I (hiccup) don't (hiccup) wanna go home.... (hiccup). I want Gwyn. Please get me a Gwyn. I love her (hiccup) so much. (Hiccup) but she doesn't love me."

"Don't say that, she does." "(Hiccup) well if she did then why did she turn off her side of the bond."

"Because you fucked up Az," Cassian said without thinking, and immediately regretted it.

The look on Az's face, was enough to express what he was feeling.
"You're right," he had stopped crying now. And had put on the mask of the feared shadowsinger.

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