My Mate

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A/N : Ahh I've wanted to write this and the following chapters since sooo long.

Rhys forgot where he was when he saw Gwyn. He flew down the cliff and ran to her body. 

Her eyes were completely black, a sick black liquid covering her entire body. A deep cut in her hands. A dagger in her heart.

He immediately took out the dagger, and tried to heal her with his powers. Nothing.
He put all his strength in trying to wake her up, in trying to get her heart beating again, but it didn't. It was still, like a stone.

He then recognised that liquid. Had seen Azriel do worst things with it to people whom he tortured, but he couldn't have done this, right?

No, he couldn't have. That was a road Rhys did not want to take, because if he did, he'd never be able to come back. Suddenly he felt something, a huge amount of power surging from the North.

He followed that power, maybe someone more powerful could save her. But Rhys knew that was unlikely to happen.

He then came across a person he'd never think he'd see again. She was on her knees, her head looking downwards, tears in her eyes.


She didn't seem to notice he was there, so Rhys took his chance. He picked her up by her collar, and slammed her against the wall of the cliff.

She was still sobbing when he did that. And Rhys almost believed her, almost.
"What did you do to her?" Rhys asked, his voice dangerously calm. Like the calm before a storm.

And Merill kept sobbing. Rhys slammed her against the wall again, "Answer me." He said, his patience now running out.
But Merill didn't break and kept sobbing. His patience wore off.

"ANSWER ME. ANSWER ME. ANSWER ME." And after every word, he slammed her head. "ANSWER ME!" He kept repeating, and didn't even realize when be started sobbing.

At one moment, he let her go, he had to calm himself down. The realization of loosing a sister hitting him. The pain hitting him.

Till now, he'd hidden his emotions for the sake of his brother, but Gwyn's condition affected him as much as it did Azriel.

He loved her for fuck's sake. She was his sister. Not by blood, but by choice. And she'd been there for him, for Nyx, for Nesta, For Azriel and for his entire family. But only now he realized, that there was no one truly there for her.

Everyone went to her when they had a problem, and she solved it with a smile on her face. But who did she go to when she had a problem? She didn't. She faced them alone, like a soldier she is. She was.

Merill was now kneeling on her knees again, and Rhys was still sobbing. And then Merill spoke, "If it isn't the most famous high lord, sobbing in front of a poor priestess."

And that triggered his anger. He took control of her mind, and brought back her worst memories. He was being ruthless, he knew, but he made her feel every single time her husband hit her.

Every single time he loved Azriel more than their children. And every single time he downgraded her in front of everyone.
Merill was shouting now, her pain visibly heard.

"STOP! PLEASE JUST STOP!" And her eyes started flowing with the same black liquid that was on Gwyn.


Rhys turned around, just to see the true form of Azriel, the torturer he was. He then walked towards Merill, all while making her choke on that same liquid.

He then picked her chin up, "What did you do to Gwyn." And he only stopped choking her with the liquid for a second, but Merill took advantage of that and ran away.

Azriel was faster, he slammed her against the wall with a dagger to her throat. "What did you do to her." It wasn't a question, it was a demand.

Merill smiled cruelly, "oh the same thing you did to all my children. I was just paying you back. And I just had to give you one gift at the end."

And before Azriel could ask what she meant by that, she pushed forward, letting the dagger go through her neck, before she turned into dust, and disappeared into Gwyn's body.

Azriel immediately went to Gwyn's side, his eyes filled with tears. "Please don't leave me, please don't leave me." And he tried to push some energy into her from his side of the bond but it didn't work.

He then sobbed and put his head to her chest, trying to listen to a heartbeat.

It was there, very faint and barely audible but it was there. And by the way Rhys' expression changed, Azriel knew he had heard it too.

Then Gwyn opened her eyes, slowly but she did. And then she looked at Azriel, with a small smile on her lips.

But Azriel knew what was going to happen next, Rhys was gonna tear up her wounds completely to heal them. "no no no no" he started to say, and was about to slam Rhys to the ground, when Cassian did the same to him.

Azriel looked at Cassian feeling betrayed, by his own brother. He looked at Cassian and tried to fight him, but he was already weak from earlier.

He then tried to make Rhys look at him, but nothing. His brother didn't even glance towards his direction.

He could see Gwyn's eyes flowing with tears. Rhys looked towards Gwyn for permission, and she nodded slightly.

She closed her eyes because she knew how it went. But Azriel didn't, he tried to make her look at him, he shouted Rhys' and Gwyn's name a thousand times, but they didnt. They didn't look at him.

And then he heard the most heart shattering scream in the world. The scream of pain, from his mate.

A/N : I know this chapter was short but I'll be doing a double update aaaand i've even posted early.

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