Tanjiro *Tease*

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Anime: Demon slayer

A/n: I hope it's fine that I made it like modern times.Bubblegumyyyyy

Right now Tanjiro was chasing his girlfriend because she was trying to kill his friend Zenitsu, all of sudden she stopped running and pulled out her gun. Before his girlfriend could shoot his friend he jumped on her "Y/n calm down it wasn't that bad" I struggled against him "he ate my damn cheesecake he knew that it was mine and he ate it" I glared at my boyfriend.

"It's okay mommy I'll get you another one" My eyes widen a blush over my s/c cheeks. Tanjiro got off of me then turn to Zenitsu then smack him in the head "now you apologize to Y/n for eating her cake" Zenitsu had tears rolling down his face "i-i'm s-sorry Y/n for e-eating your cake" I on the other hand was still lay down on the soft grass 'his ass is mine today embarrassing me like that who does he think he is' I jump up on to my feet with my hands on my hips looking at the two boys in front of me.

"I will take my leave" I ran off getting away from them two. Once I was far away I sighed lean up against the wall "yo little sis" I just pulling out my gun "hey,hey calm down it's just me Mitsuri" she frown looking at me "when did you even get there have you been following me" I glared at her "I was just going by to tell you that you didn't need to come to work today and tomorrow jeez" she crossed her arms "anyway bye" and she was gone.

"I'm off for two days hm what should I do maybe Tanjiro and I can have a date night we haven't had one of those in a while like four months" I pull out my phone and see Tanjiro calling.

Tanjiro 🥰😘:
Hey Y/n I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner with me since we haven't eaten together in awhile.

Oh I was just thinking about that actually but I was thinking we could stay at home and I cook

Tanjiro 🥰😘:
Oh that's way better I'll be there soon I have to do a little bit more paperwork

Yeah ok see ya soon I love you baby

Tanjiro 🥰😘:
I love you too mommy

I hurriedly hung up the phone with a blush "come on now he's doing this on purpose" I growled. slowly walking home. Once I was at home I kicked off my shoes putting on my house shoes walking to the room changing into something more comfortable.

I go to the kitchen to get the things that I'll need to cook. I take out the food that I would need to use to start cooking. After a few hours I was finished with everything. I set up the table and placed the wine on the table. "Wow, it looks really good." I looked at my boyfriend then smiled "hey baby I'm glad you think so" I walked over to him wrapping my arms around his waist he wrapped his arms around my neck kissing me I kissed back pulling him closer.

The kiss started to get heated. I picked him up and he wrapped his legs around my waist. I slammed him against the wall and he let out a moan. I bite and tug at his bottom lip. He lets out a few more small moans. I smirked , kissing his neck. He taps my shoulder. "Baby the food mmm" he closed his eyes in pleasure "can't it wait" I groan really wanting to fuck him. Tanjiro chuckled, getting out of my hold "no then it won't be as good let's eat" he walked over to the table sitting down.

I bang my head against the wall "that fucking tease" I sat down next to him as we ate our food. I couldn't help but stare at him while he talk 'my boyfriend is so handsome especially when I'm pounding his ass or when I make him cum so much he's in tears ugh I'm getting turned on damn it' I sighed then snapped out of my thoughts as he snapped his fingers in front of my face "Y/n are you listening to me" he asked frowning at me.

"What of course I am you were talking about work and how stressful it was" Tanjiro smiles again "you were listening" I sighed in my head then smiled at him "I'll wash the dishes" he nods kissing my cheek walking to our. I grabbed the plates, washed them, then started cleaning the kitchen.

Once I was finished I was tired, really tired. I groan, popping my neck walking to the room. My eyes almost feel out of my head with the view in front of me. I see my boyfriend on the bed with nothing lay on his stomach on his phone not paying attention to me "so are you just going to stand the all night or are you going to fuck me" I pulled off my clothes going to the night stand grabbing the strap on and putting it on. Tanjiro turned around looking up at me.

"I should call in for a few days huh" he giggled "damn right after all the teasing you did today you won't be walking right for weeks" I grabbed the lube pouring some on my fingers rubbing it against his hole, I slid my finger in. Tanjiro bit his lip, moaning softly. I begin moving my finger "mmm yeah" he moans I added another finger "fuck Y/n" I thrust my fingers in and out of him. I pulled my fingers out when I saw that he was stretched enough. I got on my knees and in between his legs.

I grabbed the lube and poured a good amount on the dildo. I rubbed it against his ass then slammed into his ass, Tanjiro back arched off if the bed as cum on his stomach. I smirked touching the cum with one finger then licked it "damn babe that was fast" I chuckled. I would begin to thrust in and out of him. Tanjiro would start moaning more loudly.

I would thrust faster as I grabbed Tanjiro by his face looking into his eyes. Tanjiro moans loudly "ahh~ fuck yes" he says while moaning. I would get rougher and deeper. "You look so sexy with my dick inside you pounding your thick beautiful ass~" I kissed him and he returned the kiss then pulled away.

"Oh! My god yes baby you're pounding my ass so good yes,yes mommy" Tanjiro was making lewd faces. I flipped the position with him on his knees and his face in a pillow moaning his sweet beautiful moans as I continued to pound his asshole. "how much do you love me pounding this fat tight ass of yours" Tanjiro drooled on to the pillow "O-oh god I l-love your long t-thick big cock pounds my ass, f-fuck, o-oh yeah" he moans louder and I'm sure the neighbors could hear.

Tanjiro would continue to moan. I would get even rougher with him as the room filled with loud slapping noises. Tanjiro screams his moans and my name "fuck! Ahh! Mmm! Mommy yes like that! Fuck my ass'' I would go as wild and as rough as I could go for a minutes then a hour. Tanjiro had a puddle of cum on the bed, his eyes rolled back in pleasure. I breathe heavily, slowing down then stopping.

I pulled out of his ass then blushed seeing my shaking twitching boyfriend. I hurried and pulled off the dildo. Then turned him around slowly looking at him "baby are you okay" he wrapped his shaking arms around me "d-damn i-i can't feel my legs" he giggles lowly I sighed hugging him "it was totally worth teasing you since you fucked me like that" I blushed again hiding in his neck "s-shut up" he laughed then kissed my cheek "good night mommy can you clean me in the morning" I nodded wrapping my arms around his waist smiling "I love you Tanjiro" I said before falling asleep "I love you too Y/n" he kissed me falling asleep also.

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