Naruto *Sick Boyfriend*

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Anime: Naruto

A/n: requested by Dxmnaru

I was walking back to the village, after my mission that I just finished, once I was there I went to the Lady Tsunade office. I told her I was back and that my mission was complete. I would pick up a few things before I head home, I sighed just wanting to lay down and cuddle with my boyfriend.

I walked into the house, walking to the kitchen putting everything away, I sigh leaning against the wall tired as hell. I walked into my shared bedroom, I saw the blanket shaking, I pulled it up seeing my boyfriend shivering "Naruto what's wrong" he opened his eyes then smile "oh Y-Y/n hey your home" he said I reach down and he was burning up "Naruto you're sick" I said as I went and grabbed some medicine for him I came back give it to him "have you even tried taking anything" I asked him, he just smile slightly.

I rolled my eyes "you are so useless without me aren't you" I sighed with a little smile "well I'm here now I'm going to run you a bath I'll be right back" he nods. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the water running a bath for him, once the bath was finished I walked back to the room "Naruto the baths ready-" I looked at the bed and seen that it was empty I raised my eyebrow looking around the room "Naruto where did you go" I asked walking around the room but didn't see him.

"Really you want to play games while you are sick" I walked into the living room and seen him on the floor I ran over to him "you dumbass why did you get out of bed" he sighed as I picked him up walking to the bathroom "I wanted some ramen" I looked at him then laughed "you are so dumb I'll make you some ramen when you are finish with your bath" he laughed a little bet then cling to me, I blushed looking away then enter the bathroom 'fuck he's cute' I set him down on the toilet then strip him out of his clothes "come on baby you get into the bath.

I helped him into the water, I washed him off and he was falling asleep in the bath. I giggled and smiled "you are so cute when you are sick Naruto" he looked up at me smiling a tired smile. "I'm so happy you are my girlfriend Y/n I love you so much" I kissed his forehead "same here Naruto I love you" I stood up walked out of the bathroom "I'll go make you some ramen can you wash yourself" he nods slowly.

I walked to the kitchen taking out the stuff to make the ramen. When I finished with the ramen I walked to the bathroom with it and some medicine for Naruto. I opened the door and my jaw dropped. Naruto was on the bed on his knees with his fingers in his ass "Y/n~ is that you" he said with his sick voice.

I turned around "please don't leave Y/n please I'm really horny right now " I sighed "no Naruto you are sick you, you aren't thinking straight" I heard him scoff "I might be sick but I know I'm horny now get over here and fuck me" I blushed really red I placed down the ramen "I'm the one that's in charge here" he turned over onto his back and pulled me down on top of him.

"Well you aren't acting like it baby girl" I looked down at him with a glare "oh your ass is mine!!" He has some damn nerves talking to me like that, I'm the one that's in charge, I'm going to rail him so hard for talking to me like I'm the bottom. I pulled off my shirt and underwear, throwing them over into the corner.

I grabbed his and placed it on my pussy, Naruto blushed and started stuttering "Y-Y/n" I smirked at him "oh look at that you aren't so tough now huh" he then shoved his finger into me I moan softly then slide my hand down touching the tip of his cock he shivers and moans tossing his head back "fuck~" he moans I then slide my hand down more and then shoved two fingers into his hole pressing right on his prostate.

Naruto moans out loudly then starts moving his finger that was inside of me, I moaned then started moving my fingers faster then he was hitting his prostate everytime, he moans louder each time I hit his prostate. I moan as he thrust his fingers deep into me "fuck baby your fingers feel good do you like mommy pussy on your fingers" he looked me in my eyes nodding with a cute moan he let out "yes mommy~" he tossed his head back I lean down biting his neck leaving marks on his neck.

"Mommy I'm coming ~" I pulled my fingers out of his "not yet love". He looked at me with a cute pout on his lips. I chuckled and grabbed the strap on from under the bed and put it on. Naruto blushed looking at it "why does it look bigger" I laughed "baby this the same size, now which position doggy or on your back"

"Well neither one I want to ride you" he smirks then pushed me down on the bed and got on top of me. Naruto then lowers himself on top of the dildo slowly, he moans softly. I grabbed him by his waist and shoved him down on the rest of the dildo, he cums on my face when I did this. He moaned loudly and covered his mouth with his hands and his thighs shaking "Y/n!~ w-why did you do that" he reached to wipe the cum off my face but I grabbed his wrist. I licked the cum that was on my lips and his cock twitch.

Naruto cock was still dripping with cum, he started riding me. I bite looking at him. I reach up while playing with his nipples.  "god you are such a tease you know that" I said then smirked I turned him on to his hand and knees.

I slapped his ass and arched his back then thrust the dildo into his ass. I would look down at his ass and watch the dildo go in and out of Naruto's tight ass. "Oh god Y/n yes mmmm~" I blushed hearing him moan my name. I would go deeper. "W-wait- ahhh~ fuck, y-you are g-going to deep!!~" I lean down biting and sucking on his nape.

I sat up and grabbed Naruto's waist more tightly and continued to pound  into his ass. Naruto turned his head, his tears made him look even more handsome along with his flushed cheeks. Naruto sat up, his back on my chest and he’d smirk as he bit his bottom lip. Naruto rolled his eyes back as he fell into the bed. I watched him and smirked and bit on his back and left marks.

Naruto turned on his back wrapping his legs around my waist. I blushed even more. Naruto looked so damn hot right now with his drool running down his chin,and his cheeks, his eyes rolled back, his mouth wide open moaning only for me "I love you so Naruto" he reached down and shoved two fingers into my pussy.

I stopped thrusting for a second and laid my head on his chest "i-i love you m-more y/n" I moaned softly "lets see who cums first" he whispered into my ear. I started thrusting and he thrust his fingers into me. I leaned down and kissed him, we both moaned into the kiss.

I was close. I moaned even more and thrust harder into him "damn~" I moaned biting my lip "I'm coming, I'm gonna cum y/n" he thrust his fingers deeper into me and I cum with him. We were both breathing heavily. I sighed then lay neck to him. I turned over and looked at him and was already facing me smiling. I covered my face "I feel better already!!" He jumped up then fell back down on the bed "my leg" he said .

"Naruto hush damn it" he chuckled "but my legs aren't working you really went all out" I grabbed a pillow and threw it at his head. "SHUT UP" I covered my face with my pillow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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