Tsukishima *Hubby is Mad*

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Requested by: QueenZ_ee

I looked at the clock on the wall sighing "work is so boring" I groan laying on my desk "what was that Tsukishima" I blushed sitting up looking at my boss "Mr. Park hey it's a nice day outside isn't it" even though it was freezing out and raining 'i'm fucking dead just smile' I smile at him "yeah whatever get back to work" I nodded getting back to work.

My coworker Yamaguchi giggled at me I looked over at him "what's so funny" I groan "you are what's funny, you are the only one that complains about working" I mean he isn't wrong I just don't like responsibility, my husband will agree with that. "Yeah it's just boring being an adult you know, you always have to work, pay bills, do taxes, and when you take vacations you don't get paid and I like money" Yamaguchi nods .

"Let's get a drink after we can talk more but right now let's work" I nodded back to work.

I got a taxi home since me and my coworker Yamaguchi had one too many drinks. Once at home I took out my keys, it took me about a good ten minutes before I found the right key because I kept dropping them. I got the door open then walked in kicking off my boots. There in the hallway stood my husband with his arms crossed looking at me.
"Baby heyyyy *hic* how are you" he scoffed walking away "every time Y/n you come home you're drunk it's so annoying"

I frown crossing my arms "it's not every time *hic* you asshole" I walked behind him and he was in the kitchen I wrapped my arms around his waist "I'm sorry baby don't be mad" he didn't answer me he just continue washing dishes, I looked to the table seeing that he made a beautiful dinner "oh kei I'm so sorry I didn't mean to stay out *hic* too late" he sighed, still ignoring me, I pouted letting him go walking to our room sitting on the bed, I pulled off my shirt feeling hot, I opened the night stand looking for my pills.

I seen the strap on then smirked "I know what will make him talk to me" I pulled off my pants and underwear, I put the strap on, on I walked over to the full body mirror that was on the wall and looked at myself nodding, I walked out of the room into the kitchen. I walked behind him wrapping my arms around his waist making sure he felt the dildo. Kei blushed red to his ears.

"Kai I really miss pounding that ass of yours so much, it's been so long is that why you've been getting all salty lately" I shoved my hands into his sweat pants grabbing his dick "mmm-" he covers his mouth with his hand "oh kei you sound so sexy I can't wait to fuck you" I jerk off his already hard dick "you're so hard already Kei we haven't even started" I teased, he blush really red.

I pulled down his sweat pants and boxers, he tried to stop me by grabbing his pants, I bent him over on the sink. I looked down at his ass and licked my lips "fucking hell baby look at this beautiful ass I can't wait to fuck the hell out of it, beg me to fuck your tight ass" he looks back at me with his face red.

"Oh god you look so sexy Kei" I turned him around lifting up him leg "I want to see that sexy face of yours while I fuck you now beg my love" Kei placed his head in my shoulder "p-please fuck m-me Y/n I want you so bad" he said I smile and slammed the dildo in his ass. Kei's back arched and he let a loud moan "FUCk~ mommy ahhh~" I bite my lip thrusting into his ass, he wrapped his arms around my neck moaning loud as fuck in my ear "yes, yes mmm aghh~ fuck Y/n"

"Fuck yeah baby you sound so sexy moan mommy name" I grabbed him by his thighs picking him up holding him in place as I thrust faster and deeply into his ass, I can tell that he was surprised for me to pick him up. Kei rolled his eyes back sticking his tongue out drooling on my shoulder " ahhh, mmmm mommy" I walked over to the table laying him down on it.

I pulled out and got on the table. I grabbed his legs slamming back into his ass, Kei legs started shaking "is my baby about to cum oh we can't have that just yet" I grabbed his tip, he flinched as he eyes widened. I pounded in out of his ass,the sound of skin slapping filled the kitchen "oh god~~ Y/n mommy I want to cum" I chuckled pounding his ass even more. Kei's face was really red at this point, he had tears rolling down his face with snot and drool. Kei sticks his tongue out again as he is moaning. Yeah we're totally going here from our neighbors.

I turned him on to his stomach spanking his ass "don't you dare cum until I tell you" I grabbed him by his hair pulling on it then started thrusting into his ass, I smack his ass smirking as he moans even more "fuck Kei you sound so sexy" but I'm not satisfied just yet 'i want him to scream' and all night I had Kei screaming.

I would wake up in the morning with my back hurting from the scratches that Kei gave me, I looked at my husband and seen that he was still asleep, I kissed his lips "I love you Kei" I seen a blush over his face "I love you to dumbass" I smile.

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