Kenma *More Please*

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Requested by:Yao-momoo

Anime: Haikyuu

Warning: if you don't like degrading then don't read because that will be in this oneshot

My boyfriend and I have been dating for a few years since we were first years in highschool and we are in our first year of college. That's a pretty long time if you ask me. I watched him play his game,since I got bored of playing mine. I tapped his shoulder "what's up" he asked "I want you in my lap" he hurried and covered his mic with his hand looking at me blushing.

"What the hell Y/n" I just chuckled "what they don't know that you are the bottom and I'm the one that pounds" he stood covering my mouth I licked his hand he hurried moved his hand "you nasty fucker" I giggled sitting down in chair patting my lap, he sat in my lap playing his game and talking with his teammates.

I was on my phone texting kuroo

Black haired dumbass:
Yo sis how you been

I've been good what about you dumb brother of mine

Black haired dumbass:
😤 The disrespect you are a bigger dumbass then me Like who just walk into a candle store saying can I have candy

Shut up you hoe that was one time it's because I ate my classmate brownie that had weed in it

Black haired dumbass:
Mhm that's what you ass get for eating other people shit

That's why you were adopted 🙂

Black haired dumbass:
Yooo not cool for real sis 😭

Sis? Dude I ain't yo sis my name Y/n to you

Black haired dumbass:
I'm sorry sis please forgive me 😭❤️

Buy me some dangos and I'll think about it

Black haired dumbass:
Bet come on I'll buy you how ever many you want

Bet boi here I come

I turned to my lovely boyfriend, kissing his cheek. "Hey baby, I'm going with my brother for a minute. Did you want anything? '' he shook his head while I stood up and was taller than him. He got in his tiptoes pecking my lips "no I'm fine" he said sitting back down in his chair.

I put on a shirt and socks walking out of the bedroom, went to the front door putting on my shoes walking out if the door then locked it behind me. I walked to the sidewalk waiting for my brother.

After a few minutes he pulled up. I got into the car putting on my seat belt. I looked at my brother "so I hope you ready to pay for my food" he glared looking at me "yo not cool I said dangos not other shit you fat ass" I pulled on his messy hair "you bitch you wanna say that again last time I checked you don't have abs anymore you asshole" he growled grabbing my messy hair that was in a short/long ponytail.

"You hoe let go of my hair!!!!" he yelled at me I pulled on his hair punching him "you man whore let go of mine!!!!" I yelled . Soon we were fighting each other then after a time we pulled away with messed up clothes, little bruises, our hair a mess then what it was before, a bloody nose "I hate you" I said looking out of the window "right back at you" he drove off to a restaurant.


I walked in and saw all the lights off "he didn't eat again" I went to the kitchen making dinner for the both of us. One I was finished I walked to the room placing his plate in front of him "you need to eat" I pulled off his headphones.

Kenma would sigh while picking off the fork and start eating "how was your day" he asked. I shrugged then looked down at his thighs. I got on my knees in front of him licking his thighs. He gasped lowly but didn't move. I smirked, biting his thighs, I spread his legs since he was being stubborn not making sounds.

I lick,kiss,suck, and bite his thighs he started shivering moaning softly "oh is the slut finally making noises" he places the bowl down grabbing the chair arms "fuck mommy I'm so hard" I stood up glaring down at him making him shiver "oh mommy" he moans he was about to touch himself but I stopped his hand.

I would kiss him deeply as I pulled off his boxers before letting a finger explode as his asshole softly slid inside. Kenma moans hugging me tight kissing my neck. I would bite his bottom lip as I pulled my finger in and out of him. Kenma bites my neck sitting in my lap leaving hickeys on his neck to grind on things.

"Someone's needy today isn't he" I smirked, pulling him off of me "I don't remember ever giving you permission to touch,kiss,or leave marks on me you'll have to be punished you little bitch" he whimpers.

I grabbed the strap on pulling off my pants "mommy is going to wreck her lit bitch till he brakes" Kenma whimpers smiling. I grad his hip then sliding the cock into Kenma's hole. He would bite his bottom lip as I slid inside of him. I would start off at a fast pace thrusting into his hole .Kenma would moan as he pushed back against the dildo.

I smirks thrust roughly into him not holding back."aghh~ fuck yeah mommy~!" I would pound into Kenma's ass "yeah moan louder you slut mommy wants to hear you" I would grab Kenma by his throat as I pulled him closer to me and began to kiss him sloppily. I would pound his ass even more "oh you dumb slut look at you moaning from my cock pounding this slutty ass of yours" he whispers screaming moans.

I licked and bit on his neck "you're such a dirty slut for mommy right" I thrust deeply pounding his prostate over and over. Kenma drooled even more shivering and twitching. He cums on his stomach. I watched with a smirk, I turned him on to his knees.

I grabbed his long hair pulling on it thrusting into him at a fast pace "fuck, fuck yeah mommy yes my ass feels so good" he sticks his tongue out drooling on his chair. Yanking on his hair pulling him back making eye contact with him I smirked "yeah you dirty bitch who's your mommy" his eyes rolled back "you are, you  ahhh! Fuck yeah mmmmm~ are Y/n" he says moaning.

So I end up fucking him to the next day. He was crying and whimpering for me to stop. I loved hearing him begging me. It was around noon when I stopped. Kenma passed out in the bed that was covered in cum. "I'll clean that later" I chuckled and went to eat something.

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