Todoroki *My whore*

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Anime: Boku no hero academia

A/n: requested by wacky_heart yeah he's totally ooc in this I just really like a shy and cute todoroki

Todoroki was on hero duty when he seen a group of people surrounding a girl or boy he couldn't tell, he jumps down in front of them the person be hind him. The group looks at him should "it's Shouto the number three hero we have to get out of here" they hurried and ran away. He turned around looking at me. ( Idk what number hero he is I haven't read the manga)

"Are you okay sir" I glared up at him "I didn't need any damn help from a hero get out of my damn way and I'm a woman jackass" I shoved passed him, he grabs my arm I grabbed his wrist and flipped him on his back on to the ground he groans "don't touch me" I walked off.

2 months later

Todoroki spend days on in thinking about the girl that shoved him into the dirt, it started to affect how he work, he would be distracted in meetings, on missions, when he had to train the new people. Todoroki was walking back from the store when he looked in the alleyway, his gray and blue eyes widen. He seen the girl that has been on his mind for two months, she look sexy as hell kicking those dudes asses.

Once I was down I sat down on top of them and pulled out a cigarette I then looked up and seen Todoroki standing there looking at me. I takes a puff from the cigarette as he just looked at each me.

"Well Mr. Hero what do you want" he flinched and blushed "i-i-i" he sighed "go to dinner with me" I looked at him and blushed I hurried and looked away from him "what time?" I said not looking at him "what?" He asked shocked "I said what time are you hard of hearing" he looked down and smile "7:00 t-tonight" he said blushing ear from ear.

"Alright two tone" I stood up walking to the wall the walking on the wall "see ya at 7:00" I then disappeared.

I covered my face when I got home , I slammed my door "I've never been on a date before I hope I don't mess this up" I signed walking to my room and headed over to my closet, I looked around for some clothes that would look good for a date "I don't have not one dress or skirt in here" I groan grabbing some black ripped jeans, with a black dress shirt "he's into girls that looks like guys what a weirdo and he's a even big weirdo for asking me out" I walked o my shower and stripping from my clothes and got I to the shower.

Once I was finished with my shower, I got out and looked at myself in the mirror then poked my boobs then chuckle. I stopped playing with my boobs and got dressed. I looked at my phone and and seen that it was 6:20 "well shit I'm going to be late my bad dude" I hurried and grabbed my wallet and keys, I ran out of my apartment.

Todoroki looked down at his phone then sighed "sir do you want another glad of wine" the time was 7:30 he looks to the waiter then nods "yeah thanks" the waiter poured the wine into the glass. The doors to the restaurant slammed open, todoroki looked to the door and blushed "she came" he whispered.

I ran over to the table that he was sitting down at "fucking hell, mother of god I've never ran so much" I plopped down in the chair fanning myself "fuck" todoroki looks at me and bites his lip, I looked at him "yo sorry I'm late I promise I didn't mean to" he shook his head and pushed the glass of wine over to me, I gulp it down "don't worry about it I would have sent a driver if you just asked" I looked the other way "no thanks I have to good working legs" he chuckled and the waved down a waiter.

"You can order anything you want I'm paying" I raised my eyebrow looking at him "oh a gentleman" I did feel a little weird that he was paying since I'm the one always paying.

"So um why did you want to go on a date with me I mean look at me I dress like a guy, I'm a leader of a gang and I'm broke so why would a top hero like you wanted to date me" todoroki placed down his glass looking at me.

"Your really attractive, and just felt that you were really nice under all that gang type personality you have" I blushed from his words rubbing my neck "well I be damned you think I'm nice and attractive" he nods I sighed "alright I guess that's good enough just to let you know if we're going to date your the bottom little whore" he gasped covering his dick "did you get turned on that fast little whore" he whimpers I smirked "if you can make it to the restroom then I'll fuck you my whore" he hurried and got up running to the restroom.

Once I made it to the restroom I pushed in into the stall, I rubbed his cock through his boxers and I turned his head since he was looking to the side moaning "come on my little slut tell mommy you like it" he open his mouth to talk but just moaned instead. "Fuck you're so sexy like this" I bite my lip looking up at him. I pulled down his pants with his boxers then, thrust my fingers into his ass he moans wrapping his arms around my neck "ohh like that" He he says as I smile at him.

He grabbed the wall moaning, his cock started to dripping cum I thrust my fingers faster "ah~ah~ I'm cumming" he moaned loudly. He cum on the wall from me fingering his ass. I took my fingers then shoved them into his mouth, he gags since I shoved them to far hitting his throat. He looks at me with tear filled eyes I pulled off the rest of his clothes taking off my shirt. "my name is Y/n by the way" he nodded and smiled softly "I'm Shouto" He kissed me i smacked his ass hard he flinched pulling away from the kiss blushing.

"All fours now" he looks at me kinda confused "get on your knees" he gets on his hands and knees facing the stall door. I reached into my pocket pulling out a vibrator, then kneeled down shoving it into his ass he arches his back. I slapped his ass again this time he moans and then flinched. I pulled off my pants (yes she had on the strap on the whole time hey you never know 😅🥲 I'm crazy back to the story).

Todoroki looked back at me and I smirked "I wouldn't want your first time to be in a shitty ass restroom but seeing as we are already this far why stop" he nods, I can tell he was nervous, so I put in slowly he moans dropping his head down to he clothes. I thrust the rest of the dildo into him, he yells. I wait just a little then he started moving his hip "y-you can mo- ahhh fuck" I started moving cutting him off. I started thrusting faster into him "AHHHH" He cover his mouth "fuck your a little to loud" i say and he nods. I breath out and thrust deeper into him.

"Yeah fuck me mommy " I smirked going faster and he moaned loudly I grabbed his waist tightly and start pounding into his ass "fuck, fuck" he said, his dick started twitching, I grabs Todoroki hair pulling it he stick my tongue out and rolled his eyes back "yes mommy~ I love your dick inside of me" he moan drooling a little "you're slutty for a hero" I chuckle.

The sound of our skin slapping took over the quiet restroom and of course his loud moans and my groans. He was now in the face down ass up position his I was still holding him by his waist. It starts getting really fucking hot in the restroom but I didn't mind I wiped the sweat from my head. The door opens but I didn't stop and he didn't stop moaning. I guess the guy didn't care since he came in anyway and used it and chilled, I tried not to laugh this guy just do give a fuck that a guy is getting his ass rail "can I have some toilet paper" I grabbed the toilet paper and handed it it him.

Todoroki ached his back me and started trembling 'hes fucking cute' I turned him around on his back then looked him in his eyes he wrapped his legs around me weakly "oh god" he moans and rolled his eyes back and keeping them there, he grabs my hair and whimper out moans, I mean the dildo was pretty big reaching deeply into him. I seen him cum on himself, she twitches breathing heavily.

Todoroki was shaking moaning, he tired to calm down but it took some time, so about tem minutes he finally calmed down, he looks up at me I smile down at him "your mine from now on got it" his already red face was more red as he nods. I pulled out of him. He got dressed and walked out of the stall then the other stall open "congratulations bon the new relationship can you let me know when a loud chick leaves I'm kinda hiding from her" I nodded, I looked to the side and seen Todoroki covering his face then ran out of the restroom.

"No prob man" I walked out and looked around for a pissed off girl but didn't see her but I seen works cleaning up. I walked back to the restroom "yo she's gone" he nods and smiles at me "that man I appreciate it" I nodded and went after my new boyfriend.

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