Manjiro (Mikey) *My Kitty*

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Anime: Tokyo Revengers

A/n: I haven't read the manga yet so I'm sorry if I get something wrong 🥲 I promise I'll get to the manga it's just I'm taking forever also in the flashback they are kids but when the flashback ends they are in their 20's. Requested by Linnea_Parker

I've had a crush on my boss for the longest time, like since we were kids, when we were kids.


I wanted to join the Toyo manji gang but mikey told me no because I was a girl and a gang isn't a place for a girl, I tired so hard to convince him I even body slammed Draken and this mother fucking asshole said "that's it wasn't enough" So then I left them as the days went on I became the school bad girl, I still kept my grades up but just got into trouble a lot.

I fought with guys that were older then me, there would be times I would get my ass handed to me and beat the hell up but majority of the time I would always win, then one day he told me to fight him yeah let's just say I lost and keep it at that, but he ended up letting me join anyway.

A group of guys had ganged up on because I beat the living shit out of their friends, I punched one in the face then the other few tries to grab me I ducked down before they did and punch both of them in the balls, they fall to the ground in pain, one grabbed me by my shirt I slid out of my shirt turning around kicking him in the face. Soon I finished beating all 7 of them, I sighed then groaned since they did land a few hits on me, I started walking back home forgetting about my shirt.

As I was walking home I was stopped by Draken, Mikey, Mitsuya and Baji all on their bikes they looked at me then laughed "you look like hell" Draken said while laughing I rolled my eyes then smile, I looked at Mikey the boy I have a crush on and seen him look away I thought I seen him blushing. "Come on get on you crazy girl" Mitsuya said chuckling making room for me on his bike I hopped on holding onto him "thanks Mitsuya" he nods then drives off.

A few days later

Me and Mikey were chilling at the beach when it started raining "this sucks" I said he started packing up to leave. He dropped me off at home "Mikey wait" he looks at me "what's up n/n" he asked "come inside my parents are gone for the week so no one's home we can play games and eat a lot of junk food" he looks at me then smile, he walks in we takes our shower.

A few hours later the time was not 4 in the morning, Mikey grabs my hand "n/n I need to tell you something" I paused the movie and looked at him smiling "what's up Mikey" I asked "the reason why didn't want you to join the gang was I was worried and because I liked you I mean I still do but I know you don't feel the same since you hang with Mitsuya more then me" I cupped his cheeks looking into his eyes .

"I like you Mikey"

End of flashback

I walked to my car and got in the back seat as the driver drove to Mikey's house . For some reason he stopped talking to me for a month. Once we arrived at his house I got out of the car and walked to his house. I take out my key that he gave to me. I walked in looking around, it was dark.

I walked to his room I opened the door and my eyes widen, he looks at me shocked with his face red, he covered himself with the blanket so fast, the sight I seen was one of the most hottest thing I seen "Y/n what are you doing here" he asked I snapped out of my thoughts looking at him "Manjiro" I said he bites his lip "how come you didn't tell me that you wanted to be fucked in the ass" I chuckled he blushed even more "that's not it I was just" I got into the bed pinning him down into the mattress.

"Yeah kitty nothing you say can explain what I just saw" he looks at me with his eyes wide "k-kitty?" He said and I smirked "yeah that's your new nickname" I said he reached over into night stand, he pulled out cat ears, a collar with a bell on it, a fluffy cat tail then a strap on "damn Manjiro this is a lot of stuff" he blushed biting his lip. I put the cat ears on him then the collar and the bell jiggle. I pulled out the dildo that was in his ass then grabbed the tail it was a butt plug, I shoved it into his ass, he moans arching his back.

I grabbed the strap on then put it on, I grabbed him by his waist. Then I would grab Manjiro by the his hair as I rammed the dildo into his ass while the butt plug was still inside and out of him, I had a tight grip on Manjiro hair, I spanks him till his ass was red, and pounding into him over and over deeply.

Manjiro gasped and moaned and he was shivering with pleasure. Manjiro was on the verge of coming already. "Ngh!~ mmmmmmnnnn!~ gah!~ hah!~ ah!~ ahah ~~~ agh!~" Manjiro stuck his tongue out drooling on the bed. I turned Manjiro on his back, I grabbed his cock placing my thumb over the tip of his cock "hell no kitty you aren't cumming" I kept pounding into him, I slapped Manjiro not holding back, I wrapped his hand around his neck choking him a bit.

I already knew there was going to be a red mark there in the morning. Manjiro was really excited but his back arched and he'd have this pleading moan with a voice crack leave his mouth. The tip was sensitive, and so we're his nipples. Manjiro's eyes rolled back to the back of his head in pleasure. I smirk bite his neck licking the mark and leaving hickeys all over his neck, I grabbed him by the face , still pounding his hole "beg more my slutty kitty and I'll let you cum" i was on cloud 9 with his sweet moans and his lewd faces. Manjiro was moaning through his words, there was no way he could beg. Manjiro breathed heavily to try and calm him, "pLEASE MISTRESS!~ AAAAHH!~ NGH!~ let me cum!~ agh!~ mmm!~"

I removed my hand from his cock and he cums all over his stomach and on me. Manjiro was shaking badly and breathing heavily, he hold his arms out to me slowly I smirked hugging him, he moans "p-pull out" I hurried and pulled out the didlo "sorry about that Mikey" he sighed rolling his eyes "you dumbass" he said.

"Is this the reason you were avoiding me Mikey" he blushed looking away I got on top of his lap "hey It's not to be embarrassed about matter of fact I like it for once I get to top" he looks up at me "you are a idiot " he tried to get out of bed but yelled holding his ass I smirks "hey I wouldn't move if I were you" I wrapped my arms around him and he complained and try fighting me to let him go.

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