Chapter 6

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 I don't know why I was really nervous for Clyde to show up. I wasn't expecting anything to happen other than maybe some kissing. I kept glancing over to the camera and wondered if I really should go though with filming us when he got here. Just as I was about to get up and turn it off a knock came from my front door. I moved out of my room and down to the door, opening it to see a smiling Clyde. That made me smile in return as he entered my house and grabbed me into a hug. I pushed him away and glanced towards the living room where my parents were watching television. He nodded his head in understanding and followed me up to my room. When we got inside I closed the door and watched as he looked around at my things.

"Wow I didn't know you loved Anime so much." He spoke as he looked around at my book shelf and the posters hanging on my wall.

"Yeah always loved it. Here sit and I will set the Xbox up so we can watch something." He smiled as he took a seat on my bed. I swallowed a lump that was forming in my throat as I watched him lounge back against the wall, feet hanging off the bed, arms up behind his head. He looked so incredible at that moment I just wanted all of this to be true. I wanted him to my self and to really be into me like I was into him. I shook my head clear of the thoughts and set my Xbox up before going to sit down next to him. I sat on the edge of the bed when I suddenly felt him wrap his arms around me and pull me back towards him.

I laughed as he moved me into his side with one arm wrapped around my middle. I flicked threw the shows on Netflix until I found something we both wanted to watch. Seemed he has been wanting to watch Merlin for awhile but never found anyone to watch it with. He wasn't sure if it was worth it or not and I told him I would watch it over and over if he wanted to. He laughed at that and we sat back and watched a couple of episodes before I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I jumped out of his arms and answered it. My mother looked in the room and over at Clyde before she looked at me with a knowing look on her face. I shook my head and she sighed.

"Dinner is about ready. Is Clyde going to be eating with us?" She asked. I looked back over at him after she asked.

"If that is alright with you?" he asked and she nodded and walked away. I closed the door and looked back over at him.

"That was close." I said as I and sat back near the headboard of my bed.

"How long until you think dinner will be ready?" He asked me as he moved closer, making my stomach flip.

"Maybe twenty minutes she likes to exaggerate on it being almost done." I laughed and he crawled up and hovered over me smiling.

He brought his hand up to my cheek and brought our faces together as he kissed me. I felt myself let go and get into the kiss. My arm came up and wrapped into his hair and he slid me to lay down on the bed as he leaned one arm on my side to hold himself up. One of my legs wrapped around one of his trying to bring us closer. Everything was becoming very heated as our tongues were fighting for dominance. the hand that was holding my face came down my side and began to travel up my shirt and that was when reality hit me full force. I slowly pushed my hand on his chest and removed my lips from his. I laid there trying to get my breathing back under control as he looked down at me with confusion on his face.

"We need to slow down. My Mom will be back here soon to get us." I smiled up at him and he crawled back off of me and leaned back against my wall.

"I know. I got carried away. I have just been wanting this for so long I keep thinking it's going to be over as fast as it started. I'm sorry." He told me grabbing my hand into his. I felt like I was going to be sick. I glanced over to where my camera was and felt the bile come up my throat and ran into my bathroom. I stood staring into the mirror and saw my lips were bright red from kissing. I splashed water on my face and dried it off before I went back into my room.

"Sorry about that. Got dizzy all of a sudden. I know how you feel. It just all feels like a dream to me and I'm going to wake up and this will all be some sort of joke." I looked him in the eyes and saw the hurt within them and couldn't tell what it meant. He got up and stood in front of me but when he was about to say something my Mom knocked on my door again.

"Time to eat boys." She said and I heard her walk away. I nodded to Clyde as we walked out of the room. When I thought he was going to follow me into the kitchen he stopped right when we got to the bottom of the stairs.

"I should go." He said as he inched towards the front door. I went to grab his hand but stopped when I remembered my parents could probably see us from where they were.

"You can stay. My parents don't mind. Jaden eats over all time so my mom always makes extra anyway." I told him. I really wanted him to stay and hang out more when dinner was done. He just shook his head.

"I should really go. Maybe another time Lyndon." He told me as he opened the door and left. I stood there for a few moments more just thinking of the reason why he wanted to leave. The conversation in the room came back to me and I figured I brought the topic to close to the bet and he probably just freaked out. I didn't think I could do this anymore. I decided to talk to Jaden after dinner.

As I went into the kitchen my Mother was getting the dishes set around the table as she looked up at me. She looked around and than at my Father who just stared at me. I took my seat and began to get food onto my plate, I wanted this dinner over with but I knew they were going to ask me questions.

"Lyn, sweetie. I know you like that boy but do you think it is best to put your self in this situation?" My mother asked and I looked over at her.

"What situation?" I replied watching her look a my father.

"We just don't want you to get hurt son. Your mother said you looked frazzled when she came to your room earlier. I just don't want you to get close to him for him to just turn around and hurt you. We love you Lyn." My father said.

"Look I know you two love me, and I love you both also. I appreciate that you are looking out for me but nothing is going to happen alright. Please just let me do my thing." I said and they just nodded and began to eat. I closed my eyes and took a couple deep breaths before I ate and than went to my room. I quickly turned off my camera and threw myself on the bed sending a text to Jaden to come over. 

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