Chapter 3

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The next morning I woke up feeling like I shouldn't go through with the plan. Then I would remember how Clyde was just planning on using me and humiliating me. That made my feelings go back to normal. I was going to bring him and his friends down so they wouldn't be able to do this to anyone else. So hopefully in the future others wouldn't do this either.

I brushed my green hair out of my eyes but it just fell right back down into them. I loved my hair. I dyed it other colors in the past but the dark green just felt right to me, it made my blue eyes pop out and I loved that. I finished getting ready and gathered the things I needed for the day  and met Jaden outside of the school. Just as I got there I saw Clyde pull up in his car with some of this friends. I watched as they piled out and a  girl walked up to him to try to give him a kiss. He just gently pushed her away from him. She look pissed and started to yell at him.

"What the hell Clyde. I thought you were just joking when you said we were over." She spat and the guys standing around started to laugh. Clyde glared at them and turned back to the girl.

"I wouldn't joke about breaking up with someone Jill. We are over and that was the last time I give you a ride to school." Clyde told her and turned around, stopping when he saw me and smiled. I shook my head and turned around to Jaden.

"Let's go. I will talk to him later. That was a little harsh." I told him and we continued to our classes.

I guess he had to break up with that girl if he wanted to do the bet with his friends. Wouldn't look good to me if he was seen with a girl hanging all over him while he was trying to be with me. Maybe she was in on it to and all that was just a show for everyone. She seemed a little upset but not as upset as she should have been with someone treating her like that in front of everyone. they really must want to humiliate me if they can go through all that just to make me think he wants to be with me.

I was sitting in the back of my history class when everyone else was starting to pile in. I watched as Clyde and his friends entered and he whispered something to them. They just patted him on the back and took their seats as he walked to the back and sat right next to me. I rolled my eyes and began writing in my notebook.

"Lyndon." I heard whispered to the side of me and tried to ignore it to pay attention to the teacher. "Lyndon please." I rolled my eyes as he continued to try to get my attention. I hated when people talked in the middle of class so I kept ignoring him. After several more attempts he finally stopped trying. At the end of class I purposely took my time getting my things in my bags so everyone else would leave. I knew he would wait there for me to get done, and I was right. When I looked up we were the only two in the room.

"What the hell do you want Clyde. Stop trying to talk to me in the middle of class." I spat out at him and began to walk to the door. He beat me to it and shut it, turning back around to look at me.

"I just really wanted to talk. You keep either running away from me or ignoring me and I am really trying here." He said as he walked a little closer to me.

"What do you want to talk about? All you ever do is tease and hit me. Why do you want to talk now?"

"Look I know these last two years I treated you like crap but I was trying to lie to myself about who I was and who I wanted. The first time I saw you standing in the hall just starting at me there was something about you. Then the guys came up and I couldn't let them know I was staring at you so I had to say something. I know I kept it going but I didn't want anyone to know I liked guys. That I'm gay." He told me and it really sounded like it was something he was truly struggling with but I couldn't let myself believe him after what Jaden had over heard.

"Why now and why tell me this. Shouldn't you tell your friends if you are suddenly accepting yourself?" I asked as I watched him walk closer to me.

"I can't keep hurting the one I like because I can't come out fully to everyone. Hurting you makes me feel like shit and I can't do it anymore Lyn."

"Don't call me that, only my family and friends have that right." I snapped at him when he said my nickname.

"I'm sorry. I really hope you will one day forgive me for everything I have done to you Lyndon. I hope you will come to trust me enough." He walked up to me and grabbed one of my hands in his and looked me in the eyes. "Enough to let me be with you." He said and my heart skipped a few beats and my breath caught in my throat. I felt like I was on cloud nine but crashed hard when I remembered it was all fake.

"I don't know if I will be able to do that Clyde. I really don't know." I told him and pulled my hand out of his.

"Can we hang out tonight? Please just hang out with me and get to know me away from our friends, away from this school. Just the two of us." I saw the pleading in his eyes and if I didn't know he was acting I would have kissed him right then.

"Fine. Just tonight and don't think this is me changing my mind about you." I told him and then he quickly leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"I will pick you up tonight around five. Here's my number, text me your address." He told me while handing over some paper with his number on it. I looked at it and than back up at him and he was smiling so brightly I had to stop myself from smiling back. He nodded his head and left the room. I stood there starting at the paper and rethinking everything that just happened. He seemed so sincere with everything he said. He was really a great actor, it really seemed he believed everything he was telling me. I shook my head and placed the paper in my pocket before walking to my next class. 

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