Chapter 9

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I was trying to wrap my head around everything that has been happening, everything that just happened in my room. Nothing was making any sense to me. Before there was so many things that made sense for Clyde to have been doing that bet. He was dating a girl when he first came after me. He was popular and was a jock that hit me and made fun of me every chance he got. His friends stood by him as he did these things to me and Jaden. Now he kisses me when ever he can and holds my hand. He wants to be with me and just did something I never thought he would ever do. If this was all a game to him why did he seem to have known what he was doing out there. It definitely didn't feel like it was his first time doing that to another guy.

I made my way back out to my room and saw that he was awake staring at my bathroom door. I went back over and laid down next to him as he wrapped an arm around me.

"I didn't go to far earlier did I?" He asked with worry on his face.

"No. Sorry I just needed to go to the bathroom. Sleep." I told him as I rolled onto my side and gave him a quick kiss. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead before closing his eyes.

The next morning we woke up and got ready for school. He was quiet and a little off. I didn't say anything to him about it but the moment we got out my front door we saw Jaden walking down the street towards my house.

"Lyndon I am sorry but I have to go." He quickly said before giving me a quick hug and taking off. Jaden walked up to me shortly after smiling.

"Looks like you got him to stay the night last night. Good going. So what happened?" He asked.

"I don't want to talk about it right now alright." I snapped at him. I was a little irritated by Clyde's actions a moment ago. He said he wanted to be friends with Jaden but the moment he has a chance to actually talk to him he runs off.

"Someone is pissy this morning." He laughed.

'I'm not going to do this much longer. After last night I think we have enough. Let's just get to school. I will hold on to the stuff until the time is right. Have you found anything out from the jocks yet?" I asked him and he had a weird look on his face.

"Yeah, the dance is next week and they are talking about finishing the bet right before the dance. I don't know what they have planned but watch out alright." He told me and I nodded. I would keep my guard up and be careful from now on.

At the middle of the day I hadn't seen Clyde. He didn't show up to any of the classes we had together but he was at lunch sitting with his friends and that girl from the other day. She was hanging on him again and he seemed to enjoy it. I really didn't know what to think, but with every passing minute I watched I got more angry. The girl kissed him and everyone went insane as he kissed back. They smiled at each other when they pulled away and he placed his arm around her shoulder. I knew everything was fake with him but my heart seemed to break a little from seeing that. One of his friends turned around and looked at me and laughed as he turned around to talk to Clyde.

A moment later his eyes met mine and they seemed distant. Like he was so far away from me and I would never see his smile again. I kept my composure and just turned back to my food and ate. Jaden tried to talk to me but I ignored him. Right after lunch I went to the library to be alone. I continued to try and hold it together, but every kiss, every touch from Clyde kept playing out in my head. I knew I had gotten to involved with him. I knew I fell for all his lies. I brought up my camera footage on my computer and deleted the files. I wasn't going to bring myself to his level. Just then Jaden walked in and he looked worried.

"Clyde is looking for you and I heard the jocks saying he was going to ask you as his date to the dance. I don't know what he is going to say but we have to do our plan before the dance." He ranted on.

"I deleted everything. I'm not doing it." I said, I was going to continue when he blew up at me.

"What do you mean that you deleted it all? How are we going to bring him down now!" He yelled at me.

"Hey if you wanted to bring him down you should have done this your self. I'm not going to involve videos of me into this just because you have some sort of issue with him. What is your problem with him anyway. You used to be friends with the guy. I know he has hit us and said shit to us but what did he do that you would want me to show those kinds of videos to people. It would hurt me to. Those videos would have been out there and I was on them to." I spat out at him.

"Nothing alright. He is just an ass hole that deserves to be put in his spot. He doesn't deserve you, he doesn't deserve. He just needs to know he can't do this shit to people." He told me.

"Well I'm not doing it. I'll tell him no about the dance and it will be over. If you want to get back at him don't use me. I thought you were my friend and you just seem to be using me for your own game. I'm done." I gathered my stuff and left him sitting there.

I kept my head down as I walked down the halls to leave the school. I didn't want to see anyone or talk to anyone but as always no matter what I wanted it never seemed to go my way. Just before I got out the door Clyde stopped me. I looked up at him and saw his friends standing there. He was about to say something to me but I shook my head no and tried to walk around him. He gently grabbed my arm and turned me around to him and I heard his friends begin to whisper.

"I need to ask you something Lyn." He said quietly and I got so mad that he called me that. He had no damn right, not after everything I knew.

"No." I said and ripped my arm from his hand and walked away. I heard him yelling for me but I continued to walk away. He was not going to prove Jaden right. Not right now. I don't think I could handle that shit right then, in front of everyone. I wouldn't let this happen to me. Once I made it home I told my parents I wanted to be left alone, not to let anyone in, not even Jaden. They just looked at me and nodded as I ran up to my room and locked myself in. I needed to think about everything. Than I would talk to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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