Ch.5 Tug of war

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~Y/n pov~

"Players, welcome to the third game."

We were led into this white room and down a staircase to the main area of the room.

"For this game, you will play in teams. All players, please divide yourselves into teams of ten people. Your time limit will be ten minutes."

We already have six people so all we needed to do was get four more.

"Something that has teams of ten players. So maybe it's Tail Tag or Why did you come to my house?" Gi-hun suggested, "Maybe running is involved or it's based on luck."

"Our team already has two girls and an older guy. We need to get men." Sang-woo stated.

Okay. Calm down, asshole.

"What if they make us play Gonggi or elastics? Then, what do we do?" Gi-hun asked, "Girls are usually better at those."

Sang-woo gave him an annoyed look, "That's true, but when it really comes down to it, usually men are better. So let's all split up and look for teammates."


Now there were two men and another girl added to our group. That only made nine.

Gi-hun counted everyone and realised this.

Sang-woo looked at the other girl who had joined us, "Who invited you?"

"Her." She gestured to Saebyeok.

"I said to bring only men back here, didn't I?" Sang-woo gave her an annoyed look.

Damn. Rude much.

"This doesn't sound good. You want me to go?" She got up to leave.

I grabbed her arm and stopped her, "No."

When she sat back down I leaned closer to her ear and whispered to her.

"Ignore that asshole. I swear he has a stick so far up his ass that it's stuck and won't come out."

She laughed slightly at that and seemed to feel more comfortable.

I offered her a small smile.

"We don't even know what we're doing yet." Gi-hun stated, "And the time's almost over. At this points, let's just find one more person and be done."

"We put together a weak team, who would want to join it?" Sang-woo asked, "That means we'll end up with anyone who's been kicked out."

Weak? Just because we're girls.

I wish he'd chosen umbrella.

"Well, nobody kicked me out, huh!" The loud woman came over to us, "I'll play with you as a special deal here, okay? Man, you guys lucked out today."

She pushed me and the other girl over and plopped herself down between us.

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"I'll be way more help than either of these wimpy little girls. Plus, I'm good at everything except the things that I can't do." She smirked.

Everyone looked at her with an uncomfortable expression.

"The time for forming your teams is over."

Well that's just great.

"Hey, did that asshole betray you? Shouldn't expect much from a guy like him." I whispered to her.

She frowned, "That bastard."

"If I were you, I'd be getting my revenge."

She smirked, "That's what I plan on doing."

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