Prologue 4

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Your Pov

Yeah...Our transportation is a ice cream truck...Why not steal a limo or a large van Mr Penguin, oh yeah because he is the BOSS, anyways we are heading for a place to steal something unknown, we heard rumors about that the dark knight has kids or sidekicks...and now we here.

Ragdoll: Jeez sorry, it just that name is quite, how should I say this? Oh right, BORING?

Penguin: Enough! There are still more jobs to do.

Croc: Wait, you mean we are not finish yet?! We haven't got ourselves a rest, even our eyes are starting to shut.

Penguin: We will rest when I say so, So STOP yapping all of you! Now pass me the donuts Moth.

Moth: Yes sir.

Well that was quite hard and easy to handle the job, still got to do more JOBS, why do I even join this team? Because we bad? I wasn't bad when I was kid, perhaps dad is the reason for this, god how I hate he treated me and mom, why do I deserve this from the past?   

Love Burns (Firefly Male Reader x Vaggie)Where stories live. Discover now