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before you comment on the way y/n acts, please understand that she HAS inosuke's personality

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before you comment on the way y/n acts, please understand that she HAS inosuke's personality.


at the sound of his mom's voice, the lilac-haired male exited his bedroom and immediately ran down the stairs.


the older woman smiled at the sight of her son, "come here"

takashi nodded and started walking towards her, only then noticing the small masked female sitting beside her.

'a boar?'

his mom smiled and gestured towards the small female, "this is y/n, her grandmother is currently away so she'll be staying with us for a while"

takashi nodded, "hello, i'm mitsuya takashi"

the female said nothing and turned away, her arms crossed above her chest.

takashi frowned but chose to ignore the female's hostility and turn to his mom, "are you going to work now?"

the lilac-haired female looked down at him and apologetically smiled, "yes"

the male sighed and nodded, "be careful mom"

"i will. take care of the girls, alright?" she kissed him on the cheek before walking away, "ah! y/n hasn't eaten anything yet, please feed her for me, okay?"

takashi's gaze wandered to the female as he nodded, "okay"

"i'll be leaving now, don't let strangers in, bye!"


silence engulfed the whole area. none of the two bothered to say anything, one of them couldn't care less while the other tried racking his brain for any topic to start a conversation with.

takashi gulped nervously, the eyes of the boar mask the female wore kind of intimidated him, "so, uhh...-"

loud snores abruptly cut him off.

"oh?" the lilac-haired male walked towards the female and gently poked her shoulder, "oomf-!", the male gasped, feeling himself getting tackled to the ground, "wha-!?"

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