Chapter Twelve

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[NOTE: Now from Zeya's P.O.V.]

"She's right. Not everyone is as they seem." Eliza agreed, walking over to Astrea.

Suddenly, she snapped her fingers.

Ithyas and Ubeck pulled ropes from their bags, and quickly started to wrap them around us so fast that we couldn't do anything except scream.

"Also I'm not mute." Ithyas announced.

"Yeah, we know that now the fact that you're talking makes it kind of obvious." I answered sarcastically.

"You can shut up now." Astrea ordered in a sickly sweet voice.

"No thankyou. I'd much prefer to talk out loud." I replied. Living with Astrea has its benefits, such as being able to resist her magic.

"Stop talking or lose your tongue" Eliza hissed, holding up a knife threateningly.

"Why don't you just gag us if you don't want us to talk?"

"Because we're under orders!"

"You might be, but I'm not!"

"She's right. Mum's dead thanks to them, so if I were you, I'd thank them." a stranger said, walking through the door.

They pulled off their hood to reveal a teenage girl with straight black hair, orange eyes, and dark skin. She was wearing a black cloak over black leggings, a dark purple shirt, and knee-high black boots.

"JERRANAS KINAS!!!! WHAT ON ALL THE STARS ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?" Eliza yelled at the newcomer.

"Simple. These are my friends. I have a duty to uphold. Combine them, and it equals stopping you." Jerranas answered calmly, walking over to me and untying the ropes.

"If you were me, you'd be getting rid of them."

"Except I'm not you, so I'll be helping them, not harming them."

"Says who? You might not be harming them intentionally, but look down. You're doing it now."

She looked down to where she had twisted the rope even tighter, and gasped.


"It's fine." I assured her, rubbing the marks left by the rope. I then helped her untie Quilla, Ella, and Hillament.

"Um, sorry, but who are you?" Quilla asked her suspiciously, pulling Hillament to his feet.

"I'm Jerranas. Jerranas Kinas, daughter of Jenin and Jason Kinas, sister of Eliza and Astrea Kinas."

"Hang on. YOU'RE JENIN'S DAUGHTER?!?" Quilla exclaimed.

"Unfortunately, yes. I am." Jerranas replied sadly.

"Not you. Them." she answered, pointing to Eliza and Astrea.

"Oh, sorry, did I not mention that?" Eliza said sweetly.

"No. You didn't." I replied.

Ella then ran at her, using her powers to slow time around Eliza as she kicked, punched, slapped, stabbed, and headbutted her, all the while screaming.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side, El!" Quilla laughed as Ella knocked Eliza unconscious.

"Yup!" she replied cheerfully, continuing to attack Eliza.

"You do realise she's unconscious, right?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah, and?"

"And you should stop attacking her now..."

"Why? She almost killed you, Hillament, Quilla, and who knows who else!"

Me and Jerranas tried to pull her back, but failed.

I then handed her a cup of water, which she tried to reach, but I held it just out of her grasp.

"Give it!!!" she complained, climbing onto the couch and trying to reach it.

"Only if you stop attacking Eliza."

"Fine." Ella growled.

I gave her the water, which she drank in one gulp.

She then turned towards Eliza and made to keep attacking, but collapsed.

"You drugged the drink, didn't you?" Jerranas asked in admiration.

"Mm-hm." I muttered, looking around for the cake I had been eating earlier.

I heard the sound of loud chewing, and turned around.


I have no idea why I made this chapter end with the word "cake", but meh.

The next chapter will be out in around 5 days.

See ya!!!


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