Russell In Action

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This Chapter will be about the Relationship between Russell and Fluffles! (For smeargle853 and ImWhitee 🤩💫) Sniffles and Mole Stories coming soon!

          (Fluffles/First Person POV)

I was talking to Giggles on Fashion and travel. Of Course, lots of girls think on that type of stuff, or at least me. If you probably didn't know, I'm wearing a very cute outfit that Giggles made for me, she even called it 'Very attractive', but I thought of it as nothing. Sooner or later, some of the Boys walked past us...Cuddles, Handy, Mime, Lumpy, Mole, and Russell. Us girls sighed cordially, watching them troop by "I love Handy so much..." Petunia said "I love Cuddles so much..." Giggles claimed "I love Mime so much..." I chimed in, they walked up to us "We can hear you, beautiful ladies.~" Cuddles teased, Us girls Giggled and blushed. I looked at the time, oh! I have a home, its getting a bit dark out "Hey Girls! I'd love to talk some more, but I have to get home. Its getting kinda late for me..." I claimed, giving them hugs and waving to the boys goodbye "Bye Mime!" I said, he waved and shaped a heart, I shaped a heart in return.

Time Skip, The Next Day~

It was a beautiful day out, the birds was chirping, the wind was blowing, and the Happy Tree Friends are laughing and playing. I was walking to a lake, to watch Russell fix his boat, for I believe it is, at least to Russell as well, a Heirloom. When I got to the lake, Russell was nowhere to be seen, I looked all around the water from the wooden floorboards I stood, high and low, he wasn't there. I sighed and turned around to leave "BOO!" "AAAAAAAAAH!!!" I screamed, falling down on the ground, it seemed to be that Russell wanted to spook me, he helped me up "Aww Come on Russell! That was such a 'Monster House' Move! Why would you do that?" I asked, pouting a bit, he laughed "Awwwwww, is the little baby angry? Are you mad? Oh, I'm sorry!" He teased, my face grew a bit red "Stop it..." I mumbled quietly "Yar! You didn't say 'Please Russell'." He teased again "You know what! I'm done!" I exclaimed, walking away "Wait! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Where are you going anyway? Why do you get so mad easily?" He asked, following me, I didn't respond. He grabbed my arm "Where are you going?" He asked again "I'm telling Mime on you!" I replied "Wait what can Mime do?" "YOU ASK TO MANY QUESTIONS!!" "WAIT I'M SORRY!!" "NOOOO!!" (That's their relationship right there, they kinda fight for meaningless reasons, but they are still friends XD) I became silent, he became been a couple of Moments. I sat down on the ground, he sat next to me "Hey..." He caught my attention "I'm sorry, okay?" He hugged me, I slowly hugged back "Okay. I forgive you!" I said. It was peaceful all of a sudden, Russell and I never made that much contact with each other before, usually I would just watch him do stuff with his Ship and we wouldn't say anything to each other, but this is different. I made more contact with him than any of the other days or months we've known each other. I go outside practically everyday and I gotta say, that was one of the most biggest, weirdest fights I have ever gotten in with anyone, Russell especially, will this keep happening? "Uuuuuh, Fluffles, you can let go now." He giggled a bit "Oops!" I released him from the hug, I guess I spaced out a bit, he blushed a bit "Soooooo, do you wanna go fishing with me?" He asked "Sure!" I agreed. He stood up and helped me up (again >w<) as we went to go get fishing rods, we sat down at the edge of a wooden floorboard and put fish bait at the end of our rods, I watched Russell throw the end of his rod into the water, I did the same "Wait! Russell! What if the fish bites me?" I asked fearfully "Ahahahaha!! It won't, it won't." He claimed, I sighed In relief. After a while of waiting, one of our rods started moving, and it so happened to be mine. I started to panic...

And Russell was somehow sleeping while sitting up....

"Russell! Russell! RUSSELL! Wake up!" I yelled, he snored a bit before finally getting up "Huh? Oh! Reel it in!" He said, I started to reel in the fish, then I caught it! "Yaaayyy!!!!" I cheered, Russell wanted to clap for me, but one of his paws was a hook, heeheehee! "Thanks for helping me Russell!" I said "No Problem!" He replied. Out of nowhere, we heard shuffling from the Bushes, me and Russell turned our heads to where we heard the sound from....

And it was Mime...He.Was.Jealous...

"Russell..." "Yes?" "Look at how Cute his pouty face is!! Mime is a cute little Baby!!" I said in a high voice, as if I was baby-ing him, I went up to him and placed a kiss on his nose, Mime silently giggled, I went back to Russell, Mime became mad again and started to charge at us "Run! rUn! RuN! RUn! ruN! RUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!" Me and Russell ran, Mime Chased, We Proooobably did escape...(😂 I can't!!)

A/n: Hey Guys! I know I just updated The FNAF oneshots and HTF oneshots not to long ago, But I really wanted to do this real quick, Now I have the urge to draw Russell... -w- ...Thank you all so much for reading this! I know it was kinda short, and I apologise for any spelling mistakes! I genuinely had alot of fun writing this! And I'm so tired that I probably won't write the Sniffles and Mole stories until Next Week 🤩💫 (😭) I love you all! 💕

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