💖Mime & Fluffles Headcanon☁️

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-Cuddles, Lots of Cuddles and Kisses

-When Fluffles is sad or lonely, Mime would do a bunch of funny faces and tricks to cheer her up, for he is a Mime who also educated on a bit of clown tactics

-When Fluffles is sleepy, Mime will cradle her to sleep no matter where they are

-Fluffles would hold Mime's hand/paw just to get him flustered, he would cover his face with one of his hands/paws, blushing ^////^

-Fluffles tries to learn more sign language to understand Mime, though she fails sometimes, A pencil and paper still helps

-Snuggles on noses for Mime, Kisses on the nose for Fluffles

-Mime pricks a piece of Sparkle from Fluffles' tail to catch her attention when he's jealous or clingy

-Coloring, Drawing, and Painting together

-Play instruments together

-Decorate together, and even decorate each other ^w^

-When Fluffles has a mental breakdown (She has those sometimes), then Mime would hold her close and comfort her

-Mime would be seen at a Circus or Fun Entertainment for others, Fluffles would go visit him to say 'hello!'

-When Marmalade(ImWhitee OC) and Fluffles would hang out, Mime would come along for the fun of it, and because he is also Best friends with Marmalade! 🥰

-Would go on little dates, day or night. Sometimes would even watch the sunset and find the brightest star in the sky!

-Mime buys gifts for Fluffles, she does the same and would even pour him with kisses for the gifts

A/n: That's all I could think of!! If you guys can think of any other Headcanons of Fluffles with Mime or anyone else, then let me know! Thank you all for reading!! I love you all!

(Read The Text Below)

| Guys, please don't say I'm fangirling, I got called that on YouTube once and didn't quite like it. I made Fluffles to have fun and release my happiness with creativity, not so I could only be with that certain Character, I do what I Love. Lots of people make OCs, and they should feel free to do what they love, so why hold them back? I'm not holding anyone back from doing what they love, so ignore the haters and be happy, feel free, let your mind do what you want to, don't let anyone stop you, because it's all on you. Just only use it for Good, and for Good things only! Thank You!! |

I also may not update for awhile due to school =w=, I made this at 12 in the morning cuz I was so hyped! I must sleep now...Thank you all again for the support! Love Ya!! ❤️🎉

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