chapter 35

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I hold the phone in my hands as it rings and the pit of my stomach does flips. Cole kisses my now bald, still can’t get over that, head. Worst part of it all? He thinks its ‘cute.’

So now I groan whenever I look into a mirror. And every time he reminds me that it is a good thing that I am now shaved bald. And I say yes I know every time.

“Hello?” My parent’s voice rings out into the silent hospital room. I take a deep breath, not quite ready to tell them.

“Who is this?” My dad asks again.

“Taylor.” I whisper. His voice lightens up and I imagine him grinning over the phone.

“Happy birthday Taylor!”

“Thanks dad.” I laugh slightly.

“So how are you feeling?” 

“I just had the surgery.” I quite whisper out. Cole starts rubbing my sides slightly for reassurance and comfort.

“And how was it?”

The silence was defining. Suffocating me and the phone all at once.

“Taylor?! Did something bad happen?” his concern crackles over the phone. I shake my head even though I know he cant see that over the phone.

“No.” I squeak out.

“Then what’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Absolutely nothing.”

“I sense a but.”

“Nothing like that. They took it out.” I crack and tears spill over my cheeks in happiness and wipe them on my sleeves. Cole gets up and looks at me worried and sits in front of me eventually.

“What’s wrong?” he whispers to me. I shake my head.

“Nothing. Just happy tears for once.” I choke and hiccup and he hugs me.

“No need to cry then.” He reassures. I hiccup one last time and pull away smiling.

“I have every reason to smile and cry to myself. it tells me that I am happy and no need to worry anymore. Did you know it was my last day today? That’s what everyone told me! and look. My heart is still beating.” I exclaim and pull his hand to my chest and hold it over my heart.

His hand caves softly around it and feels for it.

“Don’t you feel it? Alive and pumping. Not dead like everyone thought it was.”

“Oh honey! I miss you so hard. Even now more than ever.” My mom whispers into the phone. I pick it up and hold it tight to my ear.

“I promise Ill come back to you. Alright?”

“Alright sweetheart. I love you.”

“I love you too mom.” I whisper again.

“Alright see you soon?” I nod even though they still can’t see me. I really have a problem with that.

“Yep! Good bye mom and dad.”

“Bye.” And they hang up. Cole holds up my hands and grins and pulls them to him.

“And I love you too.” I grin to his cheesiness.

“Love you all the way.”

“Until the end.”

“Are you sure now?” I challenge. He mocks fear.

“What do you mean?”

“I am actually living longer now so you cant back out now.”

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