Chapter 18

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“You did that to him and he still wants to date you?!” she says laughing and I narrow my eyes and swat at her. She moves and I keep hitting her until she stops me.

“Hey it’s funny and you know it.”

A smile cracks on my face, breaking all chances of being serious. “Yeah I guess your right.”

She smiles and looks at me waiting for more. I don’t really get that though.


“So what?”

“Tell me what happened next!”

Sadness washes over me as I tell her the next part and her face turns super serious. All traces funniness gone. I tell her how I told him I have cancer and that I won’t be able to live and how he responded. An aww comes from her mouths at some points and some tears at some more. Tears come to me when I tell her this story; I finally put my emotions out there. She is the only one I would be comfortable sharing my emotions with. The only one id goes too and not scared to cry by.

“That’s all he did?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well when a loved one tells you she won’t be able to survive because she has cancer, he isn’t going to respond that nicely. Take it from all sap stories I just-“

“But we aren’t like most sap stories.” I snap. She narrows her eyes at me. You can tell how we got our short tempers from each other.

“I know that.”

“Then why are you comparing us to them.” I raise my voice. She looks around and then her eyes find mine again.

“Because that’s what it is! You just gave him the bad news and usually people don’t react that calmly after someone tells you that.” she hisses to me. I blink in shock.

Does she really mean that? I mean he reacted almost, normal. I guess. I don’t really know how people react to this kind of stuff. I don’t tell people so I wouldn’t know.

A cell phone rings and I snatch it out of my bag and answer it with out looking at caller id.

“Hello?” I practically snap.

“Well hello to you to. I mean I haven’t seen you for days and that’s how you greet me.” Cole jokes his tone light. I listen to his deep voice and chuckle to myself and I get softer.

“I’m sorry. Rough day.” I exclaim. Maya looks at me and whispers.

“Put on speaker.”

I nod and turn on speaker.

“Well I can tell your voice is kind of rude. Kind of a turn on.” he jokes. I turn bright red and Maya bursts out laughing.

“Who’s that?” he asks confused.

“My friend.” I answer and glare at her. She quiets quickly smothering her giggles.

“Your friend just heard that?” I hear the uncomfortabliness in his voice.

“It’s ok. Don’t worry she wont tell.”

“Ok good. That was just for you.”

“I kind of guessed.” I say and burst out laughing.

“Can you put it on private for a moment?” he asks quietly but serious. I switch the button and hold it to my ear.

“What up?”

“So what did the doctors say?”

I look up to Maya and whisper to him. “look can I call you back quick?” there is surprise in his voice.”

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