chapter 9

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“Let’s play again!”

He groans. “Really?”

I smile devishily. “Are you just afraid your going to loose again?”

I walk over to my drink and take another sip. He then sighs and takes it from me. “Hey I wanted that.”

“Not another.”

“Oh come on don’t ruin my fun!”


“Fine” I pout and go to the bar and order a shot. By the time I down it he is pushing me away giving money to the bartender.

“God lets go now.”

I slur something I don’t even understand and Cole laughs at me and picks me up. I forgot I even had cancer at that point of time. He made me forget I even had it. When we get out of the bar I am dragging my feet so he groans and picks me up and carries me bridal style to the car. I lean into him and look into his ocean blue eyes.

“So pretty.”

He grins. “Thanks. Now sit tight.” And he sets me down in the car and closes the door and runs to the other side and gets in closing the door.

“Were going home.”

“no. don’t take me home. I don’t want to go back there. It’s a harsh life.” He gives me a weird look.


“Just don’t.” I state and look forward. He looks uncertain and kind of uncomfortable.

“Umm well you could come back with me.”

“sure.” And I sigh. I look out the window trying to think as we drive. It is honestly hard to think when everything is muddled. A thought comes to mind and I smile and unstrap. I get a worried look from Cole.

“Uh Taylor what are you doing?”

“Living!” I giggle. I open the top latch and stick my head out and my top half of my body.

“Taylor get in!”

The car slows down. I laugh at him. “Don’t you just want to live? I mean you never know what your last moment is so live a little! You never know when you’re going to die so live each moment like your last!”

There is silence. And he turns the car to the right onto a trail and I let my hair loose and let my blonde waves loose. The car stops at the end of the trail. He finally talks.

“Come here.” I get down and climb out of the car wobbling a little and Cole runs to me taking my arm and putting it around his shoulders and his arm around my waist. I lean into his lean body.

 “Where are we going?”

“To this special place. No one else knows it but me.”

So we go there and he puts me down on the grass and we lie down and watch the stars. It is a little opening and it was absolutely perfect.

“I love it.”

I kiss him slowly and he responds automatically and he gets on top of me.

It was sweet. We didn’t go any farther and agreed it wasn’t time for it. We would wait. How ironic? I don’t have time but I won’t break his heart by doing it then dying. It would just be too hard for him. I won’t do it.


I wake up with a headache. A really BIG headache. Like a tumor headache on top of a hangover. It hurt like hell. I look around. What place is it? I try to move but there is something holding me down on my waist. I start to panic. What happened? I look around and it is a blue room with basketball and football posters. A computer and TV are in the corner. Clothes are everywhere. I hear a mumble. I look over and there’s Cole. OH. I get it now. He looks so peaceful in his sleep. Takes away years off of him. I look at him and realize his mouth went up slightly. I smirk. Fine if he wants to play that game. So I kiss him and he doesn’t respond and I move my lips all around his face and kiss his lips and he responds.

“Liar!” I laugh at him. He opens his pretty eyes and puts finger over his lips as if to tell me to be quiet. He leans over to whisper in my ear. I wait for him to tell me something but he just kisses me. I giggle and I hear his chuckle and his chest shaking from it. I wrap my arms around him and we lay back down.

“Good morning.” He whispers and kisses my forehead. Oh god. Headache. Worse. Need. Pills. Now.

“Where’s my bag?”

He points to my stuff and there’s my bag and my clothes. I stare at it in surprise and look down to what I’m wearing A big shirt and boxers. I raise my eyebrows at him. “What did you do to me?” he laughs at that.

“Nothing. I swear you did that yourself. I didn’t touch you.” I rack through my brain. Oh yea, duh.

“sorry.” I smile cheekily and get up but fall over in the process. I can’t see. Where’s my vision?!? Oh my god.

“Taylor are you ok? What happened?”

I whimper. I can hear him get up and I count his steps until I feel his breath close to my face. “Taylor are you ok?”

“Can I have my bag?”

“Oh uh sure” and the footsteps fade and I hear him pick it up and bring it on over. My headache worsens. So I grab something in front of me from luckily grabbing the right thing. When I finally open the case I pop one in and close it back up. Still no sight. Now I hear worried ness in his voice.

“Taylor tells me what’s wrong? Your eyes are glazed over” and he touches my cheek and I flinch not expecting that.

“nothing.” I blink a few times and my vision comes back. He is kneeling in front of me studying my eyes. He sighs leaning back.

“What happened?”

“Nothing” I smile at him. He gives me a glare.

“Don’t give me that.”

I return the glare with a more threatening one. “Just nothing. Just my condition. Look I got to go. Thanks for this. I had fun” I run and grab my bag and run out and down the stairs and out the door before he could say anything. I even forgot what I was wearing until I was halfway down the driveway. But I start running and don’t stop. I can hear him calling me in the background. There is a forest ahead and I push myself forward and run into it. I never was good at gym. All that not running is paying off now. I keep running now and sit behind a tree. Tears come and I dial a number and wait.

“Hello this mercy’s hospital. How may I help you?”

My voice cracks. “May I speak to Dr. Shultz?”

“Sure give me a minute.” There is a pause and his voice comes onto the speaker.

“Hello this is Dr. Shultz. How may I help you?”

“It’s Taylor. What’s happening to me? I lost my vision for a minute or two. What’s wrong?” and I burst into tears. Why? Why me? I just repeat to myself. It takes him a minute or two. I hear a door close over the phone.

“Its seems to be part of the process. Don’t worry it will always be only a few minutes long so don’t worry. Those are rare so I wouldn’t really think they would come again.”

“But why me? Why do I have to go through this?” he sighs.

“Some people are born with this or things happen.”

“But can I get rid of it? Please help me.” my voice goes quiet and the tears won’t stop.

“Like I said before you become unresponsive. Chemo won’t be a help. It might just bring it even worse. I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok.” And I hang up and tears come on more. I just lay there pouring my eyes out for awhile. When there’s no more tears I get up and brush myself off and walk around the tree and bump into Cole.


ooohh. Whats gonna happen? Well that was different to write so I hope you enjoyed. I didn’t like writing it as much because I didn’t really know too much. Hope you enjoyed this though! Love all you guys so please PRETTY please comment and vote!

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