chapter 17

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“You want to dye your hair?! What for?” she cocks her head to one side and has some wonders in her eyes. I smile at her and sigh sadly knowing what I’m about to tell her.

“I have… cancer. And I wanted to dye my hair for symbolizing my kind of cancer since I am about to loose my hair anyways-“

“Your going to loose your hair?! And why didn’t you tell me you have cancer!” hurt flashes through her eyes.

“Want the truth?”

She huffs and dumps her stuff on the ground and crosses her arms. Mark uncomfortably clears his throat but doesn’t move. There is wonder in his eyes and Maya raises her perfect eyebrows.


“I didn’t want you to find out.” I blurt out. Her eyebrows rose surprised.

“You didn’t want me to find out? Why?”

“I didn’t want you to worry. I didn’t want to be just that friend that gets cancer and dies. I didn’t want to be that friend. I felt bad so I moved across the country to escape that disappointment and fear so when I died no one knew me long enough to care. But I met this guy and now I don’t want to die. I hate this.” I scream this and feel wetness on my cheeks. Maya gives me a sympathetic.

“I wouldn’t have been disappointed. I would have missed you and felt even worse to find out you had cancer all this time and had to move all because of me.”

“I’m sorry.” I sniff. She comes over and hugs me. I sigh and let out a shaky breath. Then she chuckles.

“Wow we are having another eat, pray, love moment in front of a guy.” I laugh and wipe my tears. I lean into her and whisper in her ear.


She pulls away. “For what?”

“For not being too mad.”

Then she turns all her attention to mark. He is white. “So how about that dye?”

“Let’s do it.”


“Stop that! Its dripping!” I squeal at mark. He laughs as he tries to help.

“You know your hands are going to get dyed also.”

“Really?” and he lets go quickly. I laugh at him.

“Oh come on you never helped a girl dye her hair?” I ask him playfully and he blushes.


“Jeez I was kidding. Didn’t have to stutter that much.”

His defensive mode kicks in. “I wasn’t stuttering that much.”

“What ever you want to say.” I smirk to him. He scowls and Maya laughs at us.

“Ok this is hard keeping watch for nurses when you guys are so entertaining.” She complains to us. We chuckle.

“Just for a bit more. Her time is almost up. its hard doing silver and orange at the same time.”

“Because your not suppose to do this at the same time.” She playfully snaps. Mark looks at the clock worriedly.

“Well my chemo session is almost up so we may need to hurry this up.”

“Hey mark?” Maya speaks up interrupting him.


“Where is your family for this? Aren’t they supposed to be here?”

His face hardens and turns almost bitter. The room goes completely silent. “My family, they can’t come here because they took the cancer thing a little hard. My mom bursts into tears every time I bring it up. So I came alone.”

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