Chapter 26

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This chapter includes mature content 🌚🔞 but you can read if you want-

Sai and virat returned back after a while and found kushal flirting with the girls present over there akanksha and samrat were having their good time that made both of them happy as kushal's sight fell on them he chuckled and asked by coming near them ,

"Seeming like you've sorted it out"

Virat faked his smile

"Yeah ." He replied dryly

"Good man (he pats his shoulder and continued) if you don't mind Sai can you excuse us for a minute ?" He turned towards her

Sai stared at virat and replied "Yeah sure" .

She excused them and he chuckled coldly ,

"You haven't told her about me , right ?" He said

"There's nothing important for her to know" virat replied

"Ofcourse there is virat !" He said

"I don't know what are you up to kushal but keep her away from our matter ." Virat warned

"Well what will be your precious sai's reaction to know about your dark past ? About me and about us ?"

"Kushal don't go there ." Virat said , fear was visible in his eyes .

"Why not my brother !" He positioned his hands on his shoulders

Virat shrugged his hands off and said not to call him brother ,

"I thought you've changed .." virat frowned

"Nothing has changed brother , our business needs you remember the days when we used to work under boss and now when you're officially declared as the one then why are you running away from it ? Mom needs you ..."

He felt anger rushed through his veins to remember his past and the lady whom he hates the most

"I need you to get away from here before I snap your neck" virat warned

"I know you would never do that ." Kushal smiled and walked away

His words reminded him of those terrible days and he felt his heart becoming heavier to understand what consequences will it be when sai got to know about it , he brushed the thoughts away when sai touched his arm to bring him back to sense .

"What did he say ?" She asked being worried

"Nothing -" virat looked down and noded

"You're lying , I can see it whenever you takes your eyes off from mine ."

She cupped his face and made him to look at her

"You promised me to keep everything clear ."

He held her hands in his and smiled

"I'll tell you when there will be a right time but I want you to believe me .." his voice felt deep

Sai shook her head and promised

"I believe you virat ." She softenes her voice and trails soft kiss on his cheek

He smiles though he felt guilt forming inside him he don't want to break the promise he made to her but he couldn't let her know about his past , not yet ! she hates kushal so what her reaction would be to know virat used to be worse than him ? He love her beyond the fear of losing her but beyond love their is her trust she does on him and he couldn't break it by telling her about his past .

He tried well to keep that fake smile stuck on his lips she observed it though there was something suspicious about kushal's sudden appearance in their life and virat's change in behavior she could sense his racing heart and cold hands describing he was really scared .

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